Drama, Drugs and Déjà Vu (A)

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Chapter 24A: Drama, Drugs and Déjà Vu

My Birthday arrives quickly and it soon becomes apparent that Matty has invited more people than expected.

     "We're going to need more food and drinks," he says to me, a few days before the party in the cantine.

     "I have to buy food and drinks? But no one eats that food anyway, or so I thought."

     "No but you still have to buy it."

     "Well you can do it, you've organised it."

     Matty sighs and shrugs. "Whatever. I don't care, I'll use my Dad's card."

     Food and drink sorted, Luke then alerts me to something far, far worse - a problem that may present itself, depending on whether certain individuals can come.

     "Jimmy Rico invited the Swans - that's our school's rugby team, and Mikey Flatly invited Peter Baldwin who told this guy who went and mentioned it to his sister, who apparently is out with this lad in the year above that the party was on, and he went and told his best mate to invite the Bulldogs - that's Witham's rugby team. And the Swans and the Bulldogs don't really get on. "

     "Wait, so what you're saying is....?"

     "That you may or may not have a fight on your hands at some point."

     "But I can just refuse to let them come in, right?"

     Luke pulls a face then, which answers my question for me. Gulping nervously I tap on Matty's shoulder, as he is discussing something with Lee Davis, notorious for being the school's head druggie.

     "Matty... Why were you talking to Lee Davis?" I say cautiously.

     "I was thinking maybe we could get something for the party, you know... Nothing too strong."


     "Chill out babe," he says quickly, holding my hands in his. "It's no biggie. Nothing can go wrong."

     "Apart from my house being busted by the police!"

     "Don't worry, I have this all under control," he says, just as the bell for class rings. He walks of with Marissa, leaving me with unanswered questions and an even bigger worry on my hands. I turn to Luke with anxiety as we leave.

     "I don't know if we should go ahead -"

     "Party still on this weekend, Jess?" Shouts Natalie Forwood as we are moving out the doors. I am suddenly surrounded with shouts of approval and questions over whether certain people can come as well, and Luke gives me a small shrug.

     "Can't really back out now anyway. Don't worry, it will be fun," he says, and we go our separate ways. I bite my nails with worry through the rest of the day, before stumbling home in the cold at the end of to Marissa's.

     "What am I going to do?" I moan, falling backwards onto her bed.

     "I know exactly what you're going to do. You're going to come with me to the Lush shop, we're going to get some nice birthday face masks with cucumber and we're going to have a chill out sesh here -"

     "Marissa I'm serious!" I yell, making her jump in surprise at the mirror and drop her eyeliner. She turns to me, a dark streak crossing her face where her hand has slipped.

     "I know you're worried, but honestly it will be fine. You don't need to worry about a thing, parties happen all the time and they almost always go smoothly."

     "Almost," I mutter, rolling onto my side.

     "And anyway, if it doesn't you'll have Matty, Luke and myself to help clear things up."

     "What do you mean?"

     "Nothing! Right, now let's get you up. We need to go shopping for some party clothes," grins Marissa, pushing me off the bed and hurrying me to the door.

     "Marissa, your face," I butt in, and she sighs. "I know, I can't do anything about it. I tried a new spot cream. It just isn't working for me."

     "The eyeliner?"

     "Oh yeah of course, I never did the other eye did I."

     I shake my head at her little shriek as she notices her mishap in the mirror and I wait patiently for her to finish.

      After dragging me around several high end clothes stores Marissa eventually sighs in despair and we find ourselves sat in the same cafe I spent an earlier Saturday with Matty, now my best friend's boyfriend in. I watch with bemusement as she half sobs into a mug of cafe latte, her shaking form hiding three bags of clothes under the table, none containing her dress in mind for the party Saturday night.

     "It's no use! We've searched and searched... Nothing! Not a single thing. What will we do? And... You haven't bought a thing! Oh Jess..."

     Taking a moment to compose herself Marissa sniffs, and wipes three imaginary tears from her face. "You have to call the party off," she stutters.

     Tempting though the thought is it is in that moment that I know it is the one thing I cannot do. For if it will serve as anything, it will be a chance to prove I am still the same old Jess - a Jess that stands for no nonsense.

     "I can do this. Think, Jess, think!" I mutter, slamming a fist on the table and pushing my mug over. Coffee flies everywhere, drenching the table and myself.

     "Jess," groans Marissa. She goes to pick the cup off and reaches for a napkin.

     "Deja vu..." I murmur, frowning. An idea is swimming to the surface of my mind, a memory...

     "Déjà vu? You mean... Of course! The new shopping mall!"

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