Mystery Men, Man Periods and Debating Matty

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Chapter Thirteen - Mystery Men, Man Periods and Debating Matty

"And then he literally shoved him out of the door?"

     "Yeah! Crazy, I know right?" I say though a mouthful of Doritos, eying Marissa's own packet. She catches my gaze and pulls the bag out of my reach quickly.

     "But Rebecca still won't tell you what happened between her and Matty?"

     "Nah, but then we don't really share things like that anyway," I reply, scooping up a dollop of salsa with a cheesy chip.

     "Maybe it's for the best, you know."

     I hesitate, hand poised near my mouth. "Huh?"

     "I mean, that Matty and you stop seeing each other. Maybe it's a good thing..."

     "What are you on about?"

     Marissa shrugs and pops a crisp into her mouth. "I don't know. Ignore me, I don't know what I'm on about myself."

     I swallow hard and push my bag away from me. Marissa's words have stung me, and I'm not sure why. "You think I should stop dating Matty?"

     "Yes - I mean no, I mean just forget I ever said anything!" She says hurriedly, and I blink, confused.

     "Marissa - "

     "Shush! Forget it Jess!"

     "You like him don't you?"

     Marissa snorts, spraying bits of crisp everywhere and I scrunch my face up. "No I do not!" She insists, wiping her face.

     "Yeah right," I tease, pushing her lightly.

     "Jess! I don't! And - even if I did, I would have zero chance with him, because you're dating him."

     "I don't want to!"

     "Don't talk poop to me Jessica. You like him, admit it!"

     My face drops and I look down at my assortment of midnight snacks - two large bags of Doritos, a dish of salsa, popcorn and three bumper bags of skittles - a feast prepared by myself and my best girlfriend for a proper movie night to make up for the last few we've missed. Marissa is right. I do like Matty - but do I like him as more than a friend? It's hard to say. "I don't know, Marissa."

     She chuckles and grabs some of my popcorn from me, and I turn to her, wide eyed.

    "Did you just-?"

     She grins and grabs her bag before I can get her back, and we continue to watch the film we had been viewing, until we both fall asleep.

     The rest of the week passes pretty slowly. Marissa sides with me on the situation with Luke, so he is forced to move to a separate table to eat at, and I'm surprised to see that he eats alone. It's not because no one else will eat with him - but because he tells anyone asking to sit with him to go away.

     "He likes you Jess..." taunts Marissa and I smack her hand.


     "Only speaking the truth. Oh, hey Matty."

     Matty squeezes between the two of us and places his panini on the table before him. "Hey you two. What's up then guys? Luke still on his man period?"

     "Hey! That's not funny. It's complicated."

     "Nah, it's not. It doesn't look that way to me."

     I raise an eyebrow and put my chin on my wrist. "Oh yeah? How does it look to you?"

     "He likes you. You don't like him. It's just dawned on him that he's been friend zoned. He'll come around, give him time."

      I laugh at how badly Matty has interpreted my situation. As if Luke is interested in me, and not the other way around. "Wrong, wrong, wrong," I say.

     "Right, right, right!" Disagrees Marissa, rolling her eyes. She stands and goes to the other side of the table and slams her hands down before me, shaking the surface. "Jess, don't be so naïve! You know he likes you. Just tell him you like him back-"

     "You like Luke?" Matty says incredulously.

     "-and then you can quit the Dating Club-"

     "Marissa but I don't-"

     "You never told me that!"

     "Matty I don't!"

     "And you can get your own back on Parma-"

     "Jess, Parma's just texted me, she wants you," says Matty.

     "Guys I can only talk to one person at once!" I say, rubbing my eyes.

     "-and then everyone will be happy," sighs Marissa, staring gloomily into her drink.

     I finish my coke and walk over to Parma's table, and pull the chair from Mia, about to sit down. She falls and lands on the ground, mouth open in shock for a few seconds.

     "What is it Parma?" I huff, sitting and folding my legs. Meeting with Parma is always such a frivolous business that by the end I am always thoroughly tired out.

     "Your date for tomorrow is Alfie. Wear something warm and that covers your elbows and knees. He'll pick you up at seven."

     "Did you not hear me when I said text me? I'd rather not be seen in your presence, thanks." Parma looks extremely rattled by my words, and I smile smugly, satisfied. She never seems affected by anything I say, so it makes a difference.

     "I'd be careful about what you say, Jessica. I have the power to make your life a hell at this school."

     "I'd understand about my life at home, Rose, but there's nothing you can really do here."

      "Oh, that's what you think."

      "Yeah it is. Try me, Parma Rose," I say, standing and slinging my bag onto my back.

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