Driving, Deals and Denying the Dating Club

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Chapter Nine: Driving, Deals and Denying the Dating Club

Feeling best friend withdrawal symptoms, I decide to spend the night at Marissa's house to make up for missing Saturday with her. Dad doesn't usually like me staying at a friends house during the week but as soon as he sees me coming down the stairs, mascara smudged in long black streaks down my face and eyes puffy and red, he practically pushes me out of the door himself, admitting that if there's anyone that can cheer me up it's Marissa.

     I am halfway down the road to Marissa's when I halt, a sudden wave of doubt washing over me. Marissa was not there for me when I needed her, and although she did get angry at me for giving in to Matty she fell under his charm the moment he joined the table. I'm still feeling hurt about that, and I know that will take a little time to heal.

     And I realise that if there's one thing I do need to do, it's to sort out my opinion on boys. Alfie really let me down back there, and I need to be with the one guy I know I like and will always like - Luke.

     As soon as Luke opens the door I run and jump into his arms, and he squeezes me tightly, and it's then I know what I've been missing all week. I've been spending so much time with Parma and the dates that I've been missing out on quality time with my real best friend.

     Before I can help it I am crying into his shoulder while he rubs in a circular motion on my back. He carries me upstairs and sits me on his bed, which, ironically, has a James Bond duvet cover.

     "So," he says, looking into my eyes. "Tell me all about it."

     I look back at him, suddenly blank. Why did I come here? I'm so stupid. I can't tell Luke about the dating club! That would not be a good idea.

     So I tell him a half lie. "I went to La Mezzoluna."

     Luke's face immediately transforms and his eyes soften. "Did you go there with your Dad?" he says.

     I shake my head, and he places my hand in his. "Jess, you are a strong, beautiful girl, and I'm proud of you."

     I hiccup a little as he says this. Did he just call me beautiful?

     "And your mum would be proud if she was still alive, and knew what you had done," he says, offering my a jelly bean, which I decline.

     If mum had seen me go to a restaurant on a date with a guy I hardly knew, then I know she would not be proud at all. No sir. This makes me feel like crying even harder, but I hold it in.

     "Hmm," I say, resting my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and we sit there like that for a while, before he suggests we watch a film.

     I fall asleep within the first ten minutes, too tired and upset to concentrate on it properly.

     He awakes me the next morning by shaking me gently, and leaves so I can get changed. I pull on my school clothes roughly and wipe any remainders of mascara from my face before carefully reapplying my makeup. Then I pull my hair into a messy bun and leave with Luke to walk to school.

     He chats about how matty has got him into the rugby team, and I nod quietly, not really listening. I can see Alfie walking ahead of me, on his own, and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I know that I should really just forgive him but I'm not in the mood to do so with Luke beside me.

     Marissa is not sat at our table when lunch comes around, and it's then I realise that I haven't seen her all day. I begin to worry a little, but it all disolves when I notice her sat at a separate table with Matty and the rest of the rugby team. Matty catches me glaring at her and comes over, and rests his hands on the side of the table. I slide my glare up to him, and stare at him while I nick one of Luke's chips from his plate. "Yeah?"

     "How about that date Saturday then?" he says, swaying from side to side in time to the music blasting from Luke's ipod. I'm glad he has it turned on, otherwise he would be able to hear our conversation.

     I drop the chip I'm holding and grab hold of Matty's wrists, which he smoothly turns and then entwines with mine. "Look," I say, and he raises an eyebrow at my no-nonsense attitude. "I don't control the dates. Don't talk to me about it - go and ask Parma if you must."

     Matty flashes me a quick smile and leans in close to me, so close I can smell his aftershave and feel his hot breath on my neck. "Sure thing babe," he whispers.

     I pull a face as he turns around, and try to shake off the goosebumps traveling up my arms. He saunters off in the direction of Parma's table and I go back to stealing Luke's chips.

     Marissa twigs on that I'm not happy with her, and, as per usual, sends Luke to me to see why. This just infuriates me further - the fact that she was so fierce when persuading me to go along with her 'make sure you're the last person they want to date' scheme, and yet when it comes to her best friend, she'd rather get someone else to sort out any issues than get involved. It's silly really - that she can freely and passionately talk about someone behind their back, but when it comes to confrontation she's nowhere to be seen.

     Saturday rolls around way too quickly and I find myself lying on my back on my bed with my phone in my hand in the late hours of the morning, trying to persuade myself to open the text that Parma has sent me.

     I finally give up, sliding the screen to unlock it just as my door is opened with a small click, and my sister slinks into my room.


     There is a small cough from the other end of the room, and I lift my head to stare at my older sister of a year. "Hello?"

     She only grunts in response, and goes straight to my wardrobe, pulling out a pair of trainers.

     "What are you doing?"

     "I know you went to Luke's last week," she says, holding up the trainers and smiling at my panicked expression. I gulp and try and act calm.

      "What are you talking about?"

     "Look at these shoes Jess. They're caked in mud. And the clothes you wore back from 'Marissa's' were as well. But Marissa lives in the village, doesn't she little sis? And Luke lives on a field," she finishes triumphantly. "And if Dad found out..."

     "What do you want?" I say, folding my arms. I see Rebecca's eyes trail over the bags from Matty, still unpacked and in the corner of my room.

     "Clothes?" I ask. She nods her head, and I sigh. Surely one outfit couldn't hurt...

     "Fine!" I say, and she claps her hands together, blowing me a kiss before rushing to the bags and hunting through them one by one.

     "Who gave you them anyway?" she queries. I roll onto my front and place my chin on my arms. "A boy," I say.

     "Pfft! Why would a boy be interested in you?" she splutters, pulling out a yellow sun dress. I wince and throw a cushion at her. "Hey, I didn't want him to! And I've been trying to get rid of the clothes for the last week, I don't know what to do with them."

     "I'll have them!" she says cheerfully, standing and placing the dress in front of her and spinning around in front of my mirror. I roll my eyes. She will probably end up somehow owning the clothes anyway. She already has half of my wardrobe in her room. I'm not quite sure how it happened - but it's a little flattering to know she appreciates my fashion sense, for someone who is obviously better than me at everything else.

     I don't really mind her taking them, because Rebecca is happy when she gets her way. And if she's happy then I'm happy, because she leaves me alone.

     She leaves, giggling like a little girl and I groan and roll off of my bed, trying to motivate myself to get ready, knowing that my date will arrive in twenty minutes and I still haven't even got dressed.

     I pull on a plaid shirt and a pair of shorts as the weather is ridiculously hot for late autumn, and straighten my hair just as I hear a some one rap on my door.

     I peer out the window and see an old blue Ford parked up outside, and I frown. I would have thought it would be matty taking me on a date today, as he was asking for one earlier... Maybe not.

     I'm kind of glad and a little disappointed as well. Ok, so maybe he is beginning to grow on me... But that's ok, right? I mean, I can like two people, right?


     There is another rap on the door and I jump down the stairs but before I can answer Dad beats me to it, sliding in front of me and throwing it open.

     "Yeah?" he says, and I nudge him angrily.

     "Dad..." I say, and he turns to me, hands on his waist. "Don't you have that homework club to go to?" he says, and my mind goes completely blank of the usual comebacks I would use in a situation like this.


     "Erm, Mr Nate is it?" says a voice from behind him, and I try and peak around my dad but he covers the entire doorway.

     "Yeah, who are you?"

     "I'm Nathan Little, I came to pick your daughter up as we both go to the same club," he says, and my Dad turns to me questioningly.

     "You need picking up to go down the road to your school?" he says, and I can see he's not convinced.

      I nod dumbly, trying to look as innocent as possible.

     My Dad mutters under his breath and finally leaves, and I slowly close the door behind me as I go and join Nathan.

     He is someone I have never seen at school before, but seems nice enough. He gestures for my to sit in the car and I do as told, and he peels away from the road and we set off.

     "Thanks for covering me back there," I say, grimacing as the car jolts over a pothole.

     We're racing through the country side and I'm a little worried, as we've been driving for a while now and he still hasn't told me where we're going yet.

     In fact, he still hasn't told me... Well, anything. He didn't even say hi to me when I got in the car. I'm beginning to fret over whether he's decided to kidnap me or something, it's giving me the heebie jeebies.

     Then he speaks for the first time since I met him at the door. "S'ok."

     I sigh in frustration, and decide to take matters into my own hands. "Where are we going?"


     "You deaf? Green? Where are going? This is a date, right? You're not just going to drive us out into the middle of a field and dump my body in a ditch, are you?"

     "No! Oh gosh I'm sorry, I'm being so rude! We're going to Hartsholme Park."

     I remember going to the lake once with my family a long time ago, but from what I can remember, it doesn't seem like the type of place to go on a date to. I run a hand through my hair and turn to Nathan.

     "Oh ok. What's your name again?"

     I know. My attempts at conversation aren't too great, but I'm trying to make him aware that I'm a little annoyed he hasn't introduced himself as of yet.

     "I'm Nathan Little, sorry," he apologises again, and I feel like smacking myself in the face. Why did he agree to do this little 'Dating Club' thing if he can't even communicate properly with people without needing to say sorry every five seconds?

     I'm more than a little miffed off, as you can guess. I mean, it's just common decency to at least introduce yourself before asking girls to climb into your car and go on a joyride with you.

     I can see he's a little distant as I'm thinking all this, his light blue eyes concentrating on the road mostly, his expression calm. He doesn't seem nervous like Alfie was, or relaxed and confident like Matty had seemed. Instead he's more... In the middle. Like he's trying to keep his mind off of the person sat in the seat next to him.

     "I'm Jessica Nate," I say, crossing my legs stiffly in the tiny space I have. The car is pretty small and uncomfortable, and I find myself selfishly wishing for the beautiful car Matty had drove to my house last Saturday.

     "So what are we doing at the lake?" I ask, and he smiles.

     "Well, it's up to you. I was just going to get an ice cream and go around the arcade, if you're up for that?"

     It's not a typical cliche girl/boy date, but then, different is good. I flash him a smile and look out the window. "Sounds good to me," I say.

     We park up in the car park and walk towards the entrance to the lake.

Tell me what you think :)

Morgan xox

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