Part Two

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- A few hours later - Your Prov

"(groans) You ready?" Miguel asked Tulio cause I gave up two-three hours ago. "Uh, okay one more, lets go." I just sighed at their attempt on getting out. "One, Two." We left the docks any way, won't we just get caught- "Oh no, guys wai-" "Three!" by the they stood up still holding the lids in the air. I peeked out a bit to have a look to the sudden silence of men looking at us. "Excuse us." then they started mumbling up excuses and lowering back down trying to hide. And in just a few seconds we were chained up by wooden cuffs and pushed down in someones room or office as we groan in pain. When we looked up, we couldn't believe who we saw. "Cortez." Miguel whispered to us. Then he started turning around and started to speak. "My crew, was carefully chosen as the disciples at the hands of Christ." Then he started cracking his knuckles. "And I will not tolerate stow a ways." Tulio gulped at that statement while me and Miguel faces turned fearful. "You will be flowed, and once we reach Cuba to resupply, by god you will be flowed some more, and then enslaved on the sugar plantation for the rest of you miscible lives. To the brig." Then he turned away. we all looked at each other and Miguel just smiled. "Alright, Cuba." I just sighed at his comment. By then, we were taken away to the brig.

- Time skim -

As me and Miguel lay next to the wall an apple fell on him, he offered but I shook my head and he just shrugged. Then we turned to Tulio who was still pounding his head against a pillar. Miguel went up to him on his knees. "So, um, hows that escape plan coming?" Tulio was still pounding his head for a few more good seconds and then turned to us. "Alright....alright- wait I'm getting something." "Yeah." I said with a sigh. Then he turned back to the pillar and pound his head again three times turning back to us. "Okay. (y/n), come here as well."  then we huddled up on the floor on our stomachs. "Here's the plan. On the dead of night we all grab some provisions, and hijack one of those long boats and then...we row back to Spain like no manana." He said throwing the tiny cup away. Miguel and I looked at each other seeing skeptical at his plan and we turned back at him. "Back to Spain yeah?" Miguel said to him. "Yeah." He answered. "In a row boat?" I asked this time. "You got it." "Great." I said with my hands in the air and laying my head on them."Sensational, and that's your plan, that's it." He said questioning him"That's pretty much it." He said nodding his head. Me and Miguel looked at each other again and back at him. "It's not bad." "Well I like it. So how do we get on deck?" We looked at him for with smiles waiting for his answer. "Hmm, ah, On the dead of night we all grab some provisions, and hijack one of those long boats-" Then our smiles diminish. "Oh, great." We said at the same time. "Well what's your idea, smart ones." "Hey don't ask me and (y/n) that, you the one with all the plans." "Yeah." The we heard a horse's cry and both looked at the apple. "Wait, hold up,  I have an idea. Come on, give me a boost." As I stood up I saw Tulio lift Miguel up to the caged door lifting the apple the the hole and moving it back and forth. "Hey Altivo. Altivo~" I could hear it coming over. "You want the nice apple, come and get it.~ But you have to do a trick for me first." Me and Tulio looked at him and just let him continue. "All you have to do is find a pry bar." 'A pry bar? I was gonna suggest the keys, but a pry bar? I don't think a war horse even knows what that is.' "A long piece of iron with a hooky thing at the end." He said waving the apple. "Miguel, your talking to a horse! (y/n), help me out here." I just shrugged. "let him try at least." He just sighed at my answer. "Shush, that's it Altivo, now find the pry bar."  Tulio started to look annoyed. "Yes, find the pry bar. He can't understand pry bar, he's a dumb horse there's no way-" Then a set of keys fell down in front of my feet. 'smart horse.' I pick them up to show them. "'s not a pry bar." Miguel just shrugged.

- Night time -

While Tulio were stocking up the boat quietly me and Miguel closed the cage door and tip toe our way to the long boat. Then suddenly something nugged our back. When we turned around we relaxed and saw that it was Altivo. "Ah, Altivo, thank you old boy." Miguel said petting him "Yeah and listen if we could ever return the favor-" But I was cut of by him sniffing Miguel- oh the apple. But before I could say anything Tulio started hollering at us. "Miguel! (y/n)! He's a ruffles war horse! Not a poodle." "I would beg to differ-" I almost smart sassed him but he cut me off. "Com'n, Lets go!" We goth rushed to the boat, Miguel helped me on and he waved at Altivo. "Adios." After that he jumped on next to me, but by then he started crying out to us. 'He must really want that apple.' Miguel tried to shush him but that did nothing then Tulio looked at us. "What's the matter with him?" "Oh, he wants his apple."He said as he pulled it out of his shirt. I just faced palm for his sudden realization. 'Why do I love this guy again?' I questioned myself. "Well, give it to him before he wakes the whole ship up!" Tulio said as Altivo continues his cries as he looks at us. Miguel gave me the apple and I gave it to Tulio and he threw it up to Altivo. Miguel and Tulio continued pulling the stings as I looked down, till I saw the apple ht the water. 'Oh no.' "Huh?" They said looking at each other then at me. "(y/n), what was-" But Tulio' sentences was cut short due to Altivo falling after the apple. "Oh shi-" But I was head slapped by Tulio. "(Y/n), language." We all looked at Altivo and his pleas for help. "(y/n), stay with Tulio. Altivo!" After that he jumped off the boat. "Miguel!" Me and Tulio said but for different reasons. Soon we fell to the water still intact and Tulio started rowing Miguel as we called out his name. "Hang on, I'm right here old boy!" Miguel said holding on to Altivo. "Have you lost you mind?!" Tulio said to him as I help him with Altivo but was soon no use at the point as Miguel pointed to the ships in front of us. "Holy Ship!" Tulio said to himself as we were soon thrown over board. We all went under the boat for air and was joined by Altivo cries of panic. "Move the rope under the horse." Tulio yelled at Miguel as I tried to calm Altivo. "Yes!" By then Miguel went under. Tulio grabbed me and we joined Miguel over the boat as he grabbed our hands and pulled us up. "Alright, on the count of three, pull back on the rope." He told me and Miguel as we grabbed it. "On what?" Miguel asked again due to his lack of hearing. " Then a shadow went over us and I stood there in fear as Tulio joined me. "On three!"  "Pull!" We said at the same time and ended back in the water. I don't know how it happened but I ended up next to Altivo on the boat "Guys?!" Then I saw them on the bow. "Oh thank god, you guys are alive." As Altivo rolled back up I helped them back on the boat as they lay down in font of me. "D-did any of the supply's make it." Tulio asked us." As me and Miguel turned to where Altivo was, it wasn't pretty. "Well, um." "Yes and no." Tulio looked over and sat up. "Oh...Great!" "Hey Tulio, look on the positive side." I tried to reassure him. "Yeah, at least things can't get any-" But then Miguel was cut off but rain and shrunk down holding on to me fearing Tulio's rage. "Excuse me, were you about to say worse!" Which caused him to clung to me closer. "Nnno." 'Com'n Miguel, you making it harder to be mad at you when your like this.' By then, they were having a debate on settling things st this point till I notice the sharks. 'Yup, this is gonna take a while.

As the days went by Miguel and Tulio agreed to be the rowers as long as I keep an eye on Altivo, but saying stoke repeatedly along the way wasn't really helping as I lay next to Altivo. 'Make it stop.' I thought was answered with a storm cloud hovering over us. 'Ah com'n, that's mot what I meant!' As we survived the storm we were greeted by a near death seagull landing on the boat. I saw the hungry looks on their faces as they reach for it and I can't believe we reach this far the deep end. but before the could even reach it a shark came up and took it with a piece of the boat. They started crying and I patted their backs. 

As the blazing sun was above us, Altivo was keeping me shaded most of the way as they rowed with happy faces and eyes closed. I was gonna say they rowing in circles but they told me to relax so I kept quiet and let them find out for them selves. After a few good hours they stopped a I let Altivo rest for keeping me shaded and the boys rested behind each other from exhaustion. "Hey Tulio, (y/n), have you ever imagine it would end like this?" "Not really." I answered. "The horse was a surprised." Which shocked me and Altivo but Miguel just nodded. "Any regrets?" He said turning a little. "Besides dying, yeah. I never had enough gold." He said clutching his hands as he whimpered. I just shock my head. "My regret, besides dying...was our greatest adventure was over before it even began and no one will even remember us." "That's true." "Well if its any consolation you both made my life an adventure." Tulio said almost about to cry. "And if its any consolation made my life rich." Buy then they start baling together and Altivo just rolled his eyes, "What about you (y/n)....what's your regret?" Miguel asked me not facing me. "Never having the guts, even in near death, telling the person I love...that I'm in love with him." By then Miguel stood up facing me. "W-wait what?!"  "Uh-" But before I could explain Tulio picked up sand and started shaking it- wait sand? I looked around and was surprised to see a metrical. Miguel did the same forgetting my answer and we all got off the boat. and on the beach cheering. What I didn't expect was them and Altivo kissing it. 'I will never understand boys, I love seeing land and all, but this is a bit much.' As I followed them kissing the sand the all stopped and girl screamed(except Altivo) to a skeletons on the ground impaled and Miguel whipping his mouth. "All in favor getting back into the boat say Aye." "Aye." We all said and made our way to the boat, but Miguel stop midway and faced the forest in front of us. Then he pulled something out of his shirt- 'wait don't tell me he kept it?!' I ran up to him as he hold up the map and looked at the rock. 'Holy shit, this map is legit.' Then we looked at each other and back at the rock and Miguel start panting of the fact this map may actually lead to El Dorado. "Hey! Miguel, (y/n)?! I could you a little help!" Tulio yelled at s from the boat and came to us. "Miguel? (y/n)? Hello-" "Tulio! We've done it!" Miguel said to him in excitement and turned back to the map. "What's that? The map?!" "Hell yeah the map." I said to him facing the map as well. "It's all right here." "You still have the map?!" Tulio yelled at us but we ignored him. "There's the and the stream." I pointed out with him." "Wait so you kept the map, but you couldn't a little more food!" "Okay Tulio, I know it looks bad-" "I don't wanna hear it from you (y/n)." Then we turned to Miguel as he pointed out the rest. "Even those mountains! You said so yourself, I could be possible and it is! It really is the map to El Dorado!" He panted to all the excitement in him. "It really is legit Tulio." He looked at both of us with a poker face. "You both drank sea water didn't you?" He point at us mainly Miguel. "Oh come on!" "Yeah Tulio!" "I'm not coming on! I wouldn't step foot in that jungle for a million pasadas!" He said walking to the boat. "How about a hundred million." Miguel said to him. I also notice Altivo was next to us. "What?" "Well El Dorado is the city of gold." I stated what Miguel meant as we to the boat. "What's your point?" He said looking at us. "You know, Dust, nuggets, sprigs, a temple where you could pluck gold from the very walls." "But like you said, you don't want to go." "Yeah, lets just get back get back on the boat and row back to Spain. After all it work so well last time-" but we were cut off but Tulio's 'sudden' change of heart, then placed his arms around us. "We find the city of gold, we take the gold, and then we row back to Spain." "We'll buy Spain!" "Yeah!" "That's the spirit." We cheered as Miguel grabbed the sword from the skeleton. "Tulio, (y/n), we'll follow that trail." He pointed with the sword. "What trail?" "Yeah, I'm in and all, but I don't see a trail." Then he walked the the leaves and started swinging the sword. "The trail, that we blaze!" But when the leaves fell it just showed a rock wall. Then he pointed again. "That trail that we blaze!" We just shook our heads and sighed. "Gees, why do you love him again?" "I'm staring to question that myself." I said as I followed Miguel. Altivo just shook his head and tried to walk away but was stopped by Tulio. "Oh no you don't." 

The Road to El Dorado Miguel x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now