Part nine

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Thanks to Miguel's speech, the people no longer feared the guys in the image by "he shall not be named" he made them out to be. I just hope the really gods  of this place aren't mad about this...if they do exist. We had a lot of fun exploring this beautiful city while the workers were making the boat promised to be made by three days. It was night time so I wanted to take a small peak how it was coming a long, and damn they do amazing work with that much dedication. Sure it was not finished now, but but its amazing how much they got done in one day so far from a giant log this morning. 

In the morning Miguel took me to get his portrait taken of his goal. I was watching the man carve him in stone of his kick while Miguel was being hung on a rope along with the ball. It was funny seeing him this way, It was hard holding in my laughter, but the picture came out nice. It almost looked like him. When he was done we gave him a good thumbs up for his work. After I got him back down, we went back sight seeing again. When it turn dark he went to bed but I decided a little star gazing would do me some good. When I was looking for a good spot I ended up seeing Chel and Tulio on a bridge like they were on a date. I hid in some bushes making sure they didn't see me. Tulio, trying to be smooth, gave her a flower and she gladly excepted only to see that it was a small flower with birds that freak out and flied away. I still thought it was still sweet. I tip toed away leaving the two love birds alone and find me a good spot for star gazing. 

The next morning the chief brought Miguel, who took me, to see how the ship was coming a long. "Well, it's um, nice." Miguel said to the chief who was smoking a cigar. We both looked at him confused. This ship was more then nice, it's fucking amazing. "Nice?" The chief questioned. "Yes, nice." He said but I could tell something was on his mind. "But?" The chief asked him. "But, um, is it really fit for the gods." He asked. "My lord-" "I have been around boats before and believe me. And um, that pointy tall um-" "The mast Miguel" I corrected him  "Yeah, the mast. yes mast is good. But look at it. there's not enough, um....rope." "Rope?" The chief and I said looking at him as he was stalling. "Yes rope, exactly my point. Vertical assertion requires a lot of rope." "My lord sheesh." Then he pushing the sides of the boat. "This, um, doesn't look at all secure." He said punching it, then rubbing his hand. "Chief I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but all in all it is a complete do over." Then he started slouching on the railing. I went up to him placing my hand on his back slouching with him. "Is something wrong Miguel?" "It's nothing." Not looking very convincing. Then the chief joined us. "You know lord Miguel, If you wish to only need to say so." 'That's what's bothering him?! But...we can't stay.' Miguel and I looked at him surprised by his offer. "You mean...forever." he asked and the chief nodded. "Of course." This place my be parricide....but I miss home. We both looked at the exit, then each other and  back at the chief. "We can't, we have to go back with Tulio, we are a partners." "Yeah, one big happy family." We said to him and he just kept smiling. "Big plans on the other world huh?" He said and Miguel nodded. "Yup. big plans." "Well, I better get some more rope." He said causing Miguel to turn. "Um, chief forget about the rope. My mistake." He said as we were ready to get off the boat and the chief chuckled "Fair as human." Me and Miguel halted and looked at him surprised as he smiled and we left. "Miguel.. you don't think..." "Who knows." He said as we walked with Altivo. Then I remembered something. "Hey Miguel, I need to get something, I'll be back." I said leaving away from the temple before he could say anything back. "Just don't take too long!" He shouted out to me and I giggled. But I could Have sworn I heard Tulio screamed the word half. 

I looked through some of the shops till I found the place. I giggled the gold pieces I had on me and went up to the shop. "Um, I here to pick up an order I made."I said and the man looked at me. "Ah yes! here it is me dear. Freshly made to your description." he said handing me the guitar. I asked for a complete replica of the guitar Miguel lost when we were running from the being thrown in jail. "Thank you sir." I said about to give him the money when he stopped me. "Ah,ah, no need. It's on the me." He said and I smiled greatly that I gave him a hug. "Thank you so much." I said and he patted me on the back. I ran in a hurry to the temple, but making sure I didn't fell on the steps. I saw Miguel and Altivo at the top. I kept smiling as I ran to him but then walked quietly with the guitar behind me. But when I was right behind him he started murmuring.  When I looked inside I saw Chel and Tulio kissing then  Altivo came and his mouth opened wide up, but my chest started hurting for a different reason, Miguel looked angry at them....why...did...did he like...Chel. I could take it. I shuffled away with out notice and ran.

I found a spot where I could be alone. I was sitting at the base of a tree near a pond and was huddled in a fetal position. I hold the guitar'd neck tightly as the strings were hurting my hands...but that didn't matter any more. The pain in my hands was nothing compared to my heart. Tears started escaping, but I made no noise. I just wanted to disappear and go home back to Spain or anywhere else since I'm not wanted by the man I love. I was family, no friends, just nothing. I started hearing noises. I lifted my head from my knees and saw lights illuminating near the temple. "...must be a nice party." "It is." I literally jumped in the air scared for my life holding the guitar for my life and saw it was only the chief and I relaxed my self. "I'm sorry If I scared you." "No, you just surprised me is all." Said not being very convincing and he chuckled. "why are you here while your friends are at the party over there." He asked me, but I crossed my legs and looked at the pond holding the guitar on my lap. "I just wanted be be alone for a while." I said looking at the water. "But you've been hear all afternoon." He said and I looked at him surprised. "H-how did you-" He point to the build not to far away. "I saw you from the window. So, what's wrong?" I looked at him then back at the pond. "I was being a fool. I fell in love, let it bloom only for it to be smashed by reality. I mean who was I kidding, of course he didn't feel the same for me, I'm just...another one of the guys in his eyes." I said looking down at the guitar on my lap. "Is it lord Miguel?" I nodded, Tulio knew, Chel knew, so why not the chief. "You know, before the party, they were looking for you all over city when i notice you've gone for a long time till I said I would have guards look for you. They protest at first but I insisted on your safety." I looked at him surprised. 'They...looked for me.' "They were completely worried for you and if you were in any danger." He added, I was starting to feel guilty more guilty for my selfishness. "But, I think a broken heart isn't the only thing on you mind." I got me, like a built hitting it's target. "I just...miss home so much. The offer you made is nice....but I don't have the heart to stay here." I said looking at him with a sad smile and he nodded. "That is understandable." Then he stood up. "Shall I take you back to them." He said raising his hand to help me up. "I think I'll stay here for a few more minutes." I said smiling at him know I was fine now. He nodded and started walking away. "I'll tell them you are okay and on the way." He said and was gone. I took a deep breath and stretched as I stood back up. I let the air clear my head and my over reacted attitude and started  making my way to the party with acceptance leading my  way. When I almost made it to the guys I heard a roar along with an explosion. I saw smoke was coming from one of the temples and eyed giant stoned cat?

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