The Funeral

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So I had never planned for this to happen, I just killed the main character unintentionally…Whale this is her funeral, opps again and I am really sorry. George is going to make the whole thing incredibly sad. AND I’M SORRY FOR KILLING HER OFF!



Draco woke to the sound of a strangled yell; his bloodshot eyes shot open and squinted through the darkness. “Mate, I didn’t know you were here.” Blaise panted his eyes also red with tears as he slumped into the beanbag beside his friend. “So this is where you ran off too, mate its three in the morning; you have worried everyone sick.” The dark skinned boy smiled through his tears; looking at his miserable friend, his face was paler than ever and dark circles surrounded his red bloodshot eyes. Draco rubbed the tear tracks off of his cheeks and yawned, his throat dry and scratchy; his ribs aching with every breath.

“Why are you here then.” He croaked, glancing at Blaise through the darkness; the answer was obvious, he was here to cry just like he had been.

“I’ll just… leave you then.” Draco mumbled; getting shakily to his feet and rushing through the eerie library, he wasn’t afraid anymore.

“We don’t have lessons tomorrow… funeral.” Blaise called out as his friend faded into the blackness; his body shaking as he wept, sifting uncomfortably in the beanbag.

The word funeral was slicing through his mind; releasing memories that he had buried in the back of his mind. He shook them away, “expecto patronum.” He mumbled; a silvery light blossomed from the tip of his wand and a ferret swooped out, giving him some form of companionship.

Malfoy headed straight to the dorm, stepping fully clothed into the shower; letting the scorching water burn his skin, turning it bright red.

He whimpered as a tear slid down his cheek, throwing off his soggy clothes and drying his throbbing skin with a fluffy white towel. He dressed in a plain black shirt, a blazer and some trousers; pulling on some shoes as he left once more, the dreadful snoring giving him a headache.

He saw Blaise creep back into the common room, they nodded miserably to each other as they passed; the gloomy green light from the lake making their faces visible in the gloom.

He silently crept along the corridors; marching right past Filch without a word. “Boy, come back here.” He wheezed, seizing him by the arm. “Get off of me. Now.” Malfoy sneered, the old man’s grip loosed once he saw who it was. “Ah, Mr Malfoy I’ll get you.” He chuckled, hobbling away cackling to himself.

Draco didn’t pay attention; he had more important things on his mind. “M-Malfoy?” he heard someone whisper from his left. It was Ginny Weasley, tears falling softly from her face as she sat on the stone floor; leaning against the cool walls.

He wordlessly came and sat beside her, not knowing what to say. “I am so sorry that you had to watch it. Hermione is… was very loyal and she would have died for most people.” The red head chocked out the words, he felt somewhat sorry for her; losing her best friend.

“It’s ok… we will all feel better about it soon enough.” He mumbled, but even he didn’t believe what he was saying; she sobbed onto his shoulder, making him feel rather uncomfortable.

“I know we aren’t friends or anything; but thanks.” She whispered; Draco noticed she too had got ready in advance; she wore a black sundress, which was crumpled from her sitting on the floor. Her shoes were taken off and lie abandoned by her side, they were gold and strappy. Her hair was in a fancy up do but silky red pieces fell onto her face; her golden bracelets clinked together as she wept into her hands, mascara streaming down her face.

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