The "You're Not Dead!" Party

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Ahhh! I have so many things to do! I said this would be done before I go back to school but urrg I’m nowhere near finished yet! I just want this story over so I can start the better one… Well you can expect me to post once a week now I’m back at school which really sucks but I shall post every Sunday or Saturday I guess.

The Battle of the Pranks is sort of planned out and I’m quite excited for it! So anyway, onwards with the chapter.



I stumbled down the stairs, my head throbbing as I followed the familiar sounds of the Weasley’s clattering around in the kitchen.  “Look who we have here!” Fred cheered as I wandered into the kitchen, falling in the seat beside him and grunting in a response. “Wow your hair is immense! What did you do to it?” George chuckled as he took a swig of his orange juice.

“Morning Hermione!” Mrs Weasley laughed as she marched into the kitchen, her smile taking up most of her plump face. “Morning.” I groaned, helping myself to the bacon and eating it slowly; not caring that it scorched my tongue

“We don’t need to go to diagon alley!” Ron cheered, bashing his fork against the table. “I’ll miss buying school supplies.” Harry muttered miserably, changing the atmosphere completely. Everyone suddenly was smacked with the realisation, this was our last year at Hogwarts; the last year at our homes.

“Second home.” Ron mumbled, shoving four rashes of bacon in his mouth at once; I pulled a disgusted face along with Ginny. “First home.” Harry whispered, sipping his juice silently.

Everyone didn’t know what to do; we just sat there and ate. Which was fine by me because I didn’t want to speak to anyone, I had a blinding headache and a terrible ache in my rib cage. I wobbled after Ginny as she left the table to get dressed, my bushy hair falling over my eyes as I climbed the creaky stairs sleepily. Ginny through open the curtains and I hissed at the light which streamed across the pink bedroom, reflecting off of the mirror and brightening everything with its warm rays.

“Geez Hermione.” Ginny giggled as she picked out her clothes, I didn’t even look as I grabbed mine from the drawers; creased and mismatched.

“Another long day.” I groaned, yanking the hair brush through my bird’s nest of curls until it was fairly smoother than before. Ginny only tutted as she rushed out of the room, dressed for quidditch.

Fred’s party was tomorrow, shining like a bright light in the tunnel of boredom. I snatched a few books and wandered downstairs, I could already hear the wiz of broomsticks soaring around the garden; the cheering and thudding growing louder as I neared the garden, catching a glimpse of Ginny, her long fiery hair billowing out behind her as she shot across the garden with the quaffle tucked under her slender arm.

I ducked the snitch, causing Harry to wink and shouting a thanks as he tore after it; his hand outstretched and his eyes fixated on the golden ball. Rolling my eyes I plonked my books onto the splintery wooden bench, the sunlight shining onto me and feeling like a warm embrace.

“Bloody quidditch.” I growled as Fleur dived downwards, catching the quaffle seconds before it fell beside me. I didn’t realise she could play quidditch, Fleur normally complained with me about it but not today; she was racing across the garden, swiftly passing the quaffle to Bill as she paused to flick her silvery blonde hair from her piercing blue eyes.

I glared at my book and began to read once more, I had a slight feeling that the next few days were going to be extremely dull.

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