Now I'm getting somewhere

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Yep, I'm popping out these chapters like a deranged santa.



Draco walked Hermione back to the hospital wing once she became tired. They wandered in silence for a moment, “Granger, have you ever been in love?” He asked, his palms sweating as he glanced at the calm expression that was on her face. “Yes, I have; it was with Ron…but we sort of fell out of love.” She said in a thoughtful way; all the boy could do was nod his head.

“And do you love anyone now?” he mumbled, his mind tripping over the words. “I’m not entirely sure what I’m feeling right now; one half of me wants to hex them the pieces and the other half wants to be with them forever in their arms.” she trailed off, staring dreamily into the distance. His stomach dropped, he cleared his throat; “Nott isn’t as great as you think he is.” He spoke up, causing her to look at him with wide eyes. “Oh no, Draco did you really think?” she began but stopped once she began laughing. “I don’t love Theo!” she giggled, leaning against his arm and laughing some more.

“You just called me Draco…” he mumbled, causing her to laugh even more. “Well that’s your name isn’t it? Or would you like to be called Bob?” she joked, grinning at his shocked expression.

“Well then Hermione, let’s go the long way to the hospital wing.” He smirked mischievously as he jogged up the stairs, giving her no other option than to follow him.

He paused, waiting for her to catch up. She stopped right in front of him and stared deeply into his eyes.

“Oh dear, here we go again; for merlin’s sake Hermione get a damn grip and stop wanting to kiss him!” the voice in the back of her head growled, she resisted slightly but felt his breath on her face and froze; she couldn’t pull away now they were so close.

“Bloody hell Draco; what are you waiting for!” the voice in him mind screeched, urging him to close the gap. They must have stood there for a while; frantically wondering whether to kiss or not.

“Granger, if you want to kiss me; strap on a set of balls and do it. Don’t stare at me for ages.” He chuckled, taking every ounce of strength he had and pulling away; striding across the corridor.

He heard her running behind him and smirked, “she always comes back.” He thought; not turning around. Suddenly she grabbed his arm and spun him around; he didn’t even have enough time to register what was happening before her lips were on his.

He stumbled backwards slightly but soon regained his footing and pulled her close to him. “Hi?” she breathed as they broke apart. “Well, hello there Granger.” He chuckled, kissing her again. She pushed him roughly into the wall, running her hands through his silky blonde hair. He growled jokingly as he pushed back, scooping her legs up and putting them around his waist. “Admit it Granger, I’m one sexy beast.” He teased as he spun her around. She chuckled, placing her hands on his shoulders gently.

“No, you are one extremely sexy beast.” She giggled, pecking him once more on the lips as he put her down. “Now where does that leave us? Cause friends with benefits doesn’t sound that tempting.” He snickered, strutting beside her as she clambered up the staircase.

“I’m not sure, let me think about it; we have the ball tomorrow night and then I have that bloody event.” She uttered, nodding to him curtly as she opened the doors to the hospital wing and disappeared inside; leaving him alone and confused.

He hung his head, “well at least I'm getting somewhere.” He muttered, a sly smirk playing on his lips. He swaggered back to the dungeons, jumping on Blaise’s back from behind.

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