A goodbye and a laugh

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OPPS! I promised a chapter for yesterday but that did not happen....

So I am going to try to upload as much as possible.


Oh dear....why did I do that...

Well, the mudblood came onto me, didn't she? Yes, it's entirely her fault.

Slughorn returned shortly after. He questioned me about Grangers whereabouts, I told him she broke down the door and ran off.

I don't know why but now I'm getting blamed for her sudden leave so I have to write lines this tomorrow evening. Bloody fantastic.

I'm not going to go, ill hide in the forest or something.

Ugh dinner is so depressing now. It has been since my sixth year really. The irritating first years won't shut up. Argh.

"WILL YOU SHUT YOUR ANNOYING MOUTHS? GEEZ!" I burst. I am not in the mood.

"Mate, calm down." Blaise whispered, I felt his hand rest on my shoulder reassuringly. He really is a good friend. I didn't have the energy to shrug him off.

Looking up from my plate of untouched food I can see Potter strutting into the hall, just because he defeated the dark lord doesn't mean he is royalty. Weaslette and Weaslebee are following him around, pathetic.

Why are Gryffindors so perky? They are just sitting there grinning and laughing. Scanning the faces on the table all I can see is smiles.

Granger has just entered; she is with Looney Lovegood and Longbottom. She looks flustered and upset...good.

Her hair is even more frizzy than usual. Potter is rushing over to them, ooohhh drama. Longbottom is being dragged away by Weaslette now.

Granger, Potter and Looney have just legged it out of the hall? What on earth is going on?

Blaise is watching too, this is what we do. Survey the scene. Stare at the smiles and laughter, and if we are lucky hear some secrets to spread. From where we sit we can hear and see nearly everything, I would have known what Granger was talking about but her lump of frizz got in the way.


I saw Malfoy watch us leave, I'm looking behind us constantly, expecting him to be following us.

Once we got to Hagrids, it was much more relaxed.

9:30... we had enough time to explain what was happening.

"What on earth is goin on?" the man asked as we hurried inside.

"Hermione is sending Tumble to live with my dad!" Luna chirped, I felt a lurch in the pit of my stomach. Harry wrapped me in a small one armed hug.

"Well, I'm sure its fer the best..." Hargid sniffled. I have only had Tumble for a few weeks and he is already got everyone to love him.

Hargid passed Luna a bundle of blankets that stirred softly once in her arms. We said a short goodbye to Hagrid and once again, made our way to the astronomy tower.

This day is dragging, everything has happened and my body feels limp and numb with exhaustion. We move at a fast pace up to the tower, our legs striding in sync and our breath becoming more frequent as we got closer to our destination. Only Luna wore a soft smile on her face, I was too tired for emotion.

Once we arrived we only had time to crawl behind the crate before voices rang up the stairs. Footsteps grew closer and we held our breaths. The dusty cover had shifted slightly and my school shoes were showing. I went to tuck it back in but Harry shook his head slightly, I would make too much movement. Whoever it was would only see my exposed foot if they looked closely behind the crate.

I glanced back at my foot, it was gone...A rush of panic washed through me. "MY FOOT HAS GONE, I AM GOING TO DIE, OH DEAR HOW DID THAT HAPPEN, STAY CALM HERMIONE, YOUR FOOT HAS JUST GONE MISSING" My exhausted mind was screaming, looking round as much as possible without moving my head I saw Harry trying not to laugh.

He mouthed the words "Invisibility cloak" to me. I began to calm down. The footsteps had made their way to the top of the stairs.

"Nobody here. Bloody hell I'm tired." A voice mumbled, it sounded a lot like Dean.


Harry chuckled slightly and we heard the boy thunder back down the metal steps.

"Luna? Are you there poppet?" A hoarse voice echoed.

"Daddy I'm here!" Luna sang, springing to her feet.

She shoved Tumble back into my arms and rushed over to the window. Her father was sitting on a really wide broomstick, almost the same size and length of a branch from the whomping willow, holes were carved into the thick wood and wire mesh on top.

I kissed the squirming bundle of blankets lightly on the head, I didn't want to look into his big brown eyes as I was saying goodbye, that was an image that would haunt me forever.

Harry smiled fondly and the soft fabric and took it gently from my hands. I stood there awkwardly whilst he and Luna secured Tumble into one of the holes.

It took ten minutes for them to get him secured and say thank you to Mr Lovegood. After we watched him fly away, as a speck in the distance they took my hands and dragged me away.

We skipped and jumped around, laughing until we reached the portrait of the fat lady, it was a miracle we didn't get caught by filch with all the noise we were making. Dean and Seamus saw us but spun around quickly shouting "I DIDN'T SEE ANYONE IN THAT CORRIDOR, I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT" to each other.

Luna, Harry and I fell asleep laughing on the worn out rug in front of the fire place.


I woke up the next morning in a strangely happy mood.

I sang in the shower as the hot water cleansed me.

"Uhh, are you alright?" Blaise questioned me as I came out, fixing my tie and humming cheerfully to myself. He was hitting Goyle around the head with the pillow and bouncing on the mattress, sending the lump of a boy to wobble and flop around, still snoring.

"I AM FEELING ALIVE AND FABULOUS!" I sang twirling around and winking at myself in the mirror that hung from the wall.

"You haven't taken anything have you?" He asked, leaping from Goyle's bed to Crabbe's, stepping on his head in the process.

"Nope!" I laughed, he really got confused when I was happy, I haven't been for years now though.

Lets go down for breakfast then..." he said uncertainly flipping the mattress so a grumpy Crabbe thudded to the stone floor.


"I want a blueberry muffin" one of them grunted.

"Get ready and then you can have the muffin." Blaise sighed, opening the door and pushing me out firmly.

As we left the dungeons we began to chat about nonsense, make fun of Pansy and push each other into first years, sending them flying into each other.

My good moods always rub off on him.

"Detention tonight mate, you better go!" He scolded in a squeaky voice, shaking a finger at me.

I stopped and put my hands on my hips, "I promise I shall definitely go to my wonderful detention...when I'm dead!" I squealed, jumping onto his back.

"You have gotten heavier since you were 14!" he chuckled hoisting me into a piggy back, and running into the great hall.

"YOUR KING HAS ARRIVED, BEHOLD HARRY POTTER!" He yelled kicking open the doors with his feet.

I was practically crying with laughter as we looked around, I waved at everyone and they tutted or turned away.


The Slytherin's roared with laughter, this is why they are my people, they have a decent sense of humour.

Just as Blaise threw me onto the floor Potter himself came strutting into the hall, he was a bit taken back about why the Slytherins were howling with laughter. He looked at me lying on the floor, being dragged by Blaise to our table.

His brows were furrowed in confusion and he reminded me of Longbottom.


Blaise dropped my arms and they fell to my sides, I picked myself up from the floor and brushed the dust off of my robes.

"What on earth is going on?" She demanded, her eyes falling onto me.

My sides were aching with laughter and I was struggling to stop myself from bursting out with laughter. The hall was silent; everyone was craning their heads to get a glimpse of what was going on.

"I made a joke and declared Malfoy as king of the universe..." Blaise lied, he said it so quietly only the four of us could hear, he didn't want anyone to correct him.

"It's alright miss, no big deal" Potter shrugged walking off, as he sat down he shot me a disbelieving look.

She strode off, back to her seat, muttering to herself.

Once the chatter of the hall grew louder, we burst out laughing, and sank into our seats.

Herbology was our first lesson of the day; I raced Pansy, Astoria, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle down the hill to the greenhouses. I won of course, Blaise at a close second.

We leant against the wall and watched Crabbe and Goyle wrestle for a while. Then Astoria waved at someone coming down the hill and raced to join them. Pansy scoffed and strutted off, mumbling about bunking off.

Blaise and I stepped over Crabbe and Goyle, still fighting on the floor to see who Astoria had ran off to join. I saw her hugging somebody.

Then Astoria hugged five more people in turn and lead them down the hill towards us, I could see that she was slightly out of breath.

Then I saw who it was. "No." I breathed, glancing at Blaise, his mouth shaped in a tight O.

Potter, Weasley, Longbottom, Looney, Weaslette came rushing down the ill, talking but Astoria had linked arms with the one and only Hermione Granger.

"Shut your mouth Zabini, you might catch flies." Astoria giggled as she passed us, both frozen in shock.

I spun around and sprinted after the figures as they too hopped over Crabbe and Goyle and stood by the wall.

"W-w-w-what's going on?" Blaise spluttered. I stared at the sight wide eyed.

"Oh Hermione is my new Astronomy partner and I wanted to get to know her better, plus everyone is so funny and laid back in the Gryffindor common room." Astoria smiled, gesturing towards the Gryffindors.

"YOU HAVE BEEN IN THEIR COMMON ROOM!!!?" Blaise gasped, clapping his hand over his mouth. "That's why you missed our Tuesday game night!" he babbled, flapping his arms around.

"Traitor" Crabbe grunted stupidly, getting up from the floor. Blaise swung his leg into the back of both of Crabbe's and the boy fell back onto the grass.

"Guys, its fun! And I'm sorry about missing game night but hanging around with these is quite nice actually, you should join-" Astoria began, but Ron cut her off.

"I don't think Malfoy would like that, he probably won't speak to you ever again now you have been fraternising with the enemy." He snarled, glaring at me.

"Excuse you but when were you my enemy? I don't know about you but I let my friends hang around with whoever they wish and I don't control everything they do. I am just rather shocked that she chose you people." I hissed, my mood dimmed slightly but then shot right back up to happy.

"YOU PEOPLE? WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN, YOU WANNA FIGHT MALFOY!" Weasley yelled, taking a step towards me. Blaise twitched slightly and I threw out my left arm, it hit Blaise in the chest, preventing him from attacking the ginger twat.

"Nope, I don't actually. But thanks for the offer." I drawled, lowering my arm.

"Ron, that won't be necessary, I think Draco was being fairly nice." Astoria snapped, glaring at us both. "Hermione, Luna I think we should go and change." She added. Granger nodded, smiled at us all and followed Astoria to the little tent behind the greenhouse.

"That wasn't there last lesson was it?" Potter questioned, pointing towards the dull grey tent.

"Nope..." Longbottom sighed; staring at the hill as the rest of the class came jogging down. "Professor Sprout told all of the girls to change into other clothes as we are hosing today and she didn't want the girl's shirts to go see through if they got damp." He continued, we watched the girls hurrying into the tent, giggling and laughing.

"That's disappointing." I chuckled, "the lesson would have been much more interesting." I winked at Blaise and he burst out laughing. We rejoined the other Slytherins, still hysterical.

"Bit too happy today, eh?" I heard the redheaded boy grunt, Potter only smiled.

We were given a hose each as we entered, still no girls in sight. Sprout lead us round the back to where a large field sized area of lumpy, moving green plants were placed.

I grinned at Blaise as she told us to water them and that she would be marking our books in her office if we needed her.

The stupid woman should know never to leave us unattended.

"OI, NOBODY HEX EACH OTHER THIS LESSON, LETS JUST HAVE A FUN, FRIENDLY WATER FIGHT!" I yelled happily after Sprout had left. Everybody nodded their heads enthusiastically and ran around, getting in position before someone started it.

"Wait for the girls!" Dean Thomas yelled, I had to agree. It would be better.

Suddenly a door opened and the girls came running in, "WE HEARD THERE WAS A WATER FIGHT!" Hannah Abbot yelled, grabbing a hose.

"BEGIN!" someone shouted.

At once the hoses were turned on and everyone was running around, suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks. I had noticed all of the girls were wearing non uniform but then I saw Granger.

She was wearing light denim shorts, with rips in them, a red tank top and some light blue converse. She must have been on holiday or something because she has a perfect tan and her hair had fallen into beachy waves due to the water.

I sprayed her with the jet of icy water and she sun around to face me. We had a mini water battle, soaking each other. I heard some random girl scream that they couldn't wear white as it goes see through.

Luckily it was a warm spring day because we got soaked.

The water battle with Granger got more serious... we were on the move, chasing each other laughing and screaming as we got drenched, Blaise and Astoria soon joined in.


I was having a massive water fight with Draco Malfoy. It seemed very friendly with no hatred at all.

I couldn't help notice his abs as his shirt went see through, my breath was caught in my throat, then and icy blast shot down my back, I spun around and drenched Blaise with the hose of full blast.

Harry took off his shirt and wrapped it around his head, all of the boys did the same, securing it with their ties.

The shirts looked like bandanas wrapped around their heads. They stood in a line, screaming war cries in unison.

I looked around at the girls; we nodded determinedly at each other. This girl vs boy fight was going to last a long time.

The boys were pretty cut and it was rather distracting at times, especially as Malfoy for Blaise stood out the most, they guaranteed worked out every day.

I was face to face with Zabini, soaking him as he was to me, the water stung as it made contact to my exposed legs. Malfoy and Harry joined in too, drenching me and Astoria. Soon the girls had been surrounded. "GIVE UP NOW GIRLIES!" Malfoy taunted, holding the hose above his head, every boy followed in suit.

"WELL THEN" he began "WE WI-" I turned my hose on full blast and shot him in the mouth.

Spluttering he ran along did the other boys. It was back on.

I shook the water droplets out of my hair and I saw about 4 boys stop and stare at me, it made me rather self conscious actually.

Everything seemed to be in fast forward now; flashes of boys and girls were all I could see as they raced past me, everyone weaving between the rows of plants. They definitely had gotten a fair watering. Luckily they were water dwelling plants otherwise we would have drowned them.

Malfoy was easy to pick out; after all he was targeting me the most.

Then a massive horn was blown, everyone jumped and stopped where they were, the hoses shut off and only a few droplets fell from the tip.

Professor sprout and McGonagall were standing, wands in the air, frowning at us.

"DID YOU KNOW IT IS LUNCHTIME?" The headmistress's voice rang through the field.

"I thought as soon as the bell rang you would have gone to your next lesson, slightly wet, the girls would change back and you would have been on time! I never thought you would be so careless to start a water fight, and miss four classes!" Professor Sprout fumed; she was red in the face and looked like an overgrown tomato.

"YOU SHALL EACH SIT IN THE GREAT HALL RIGHT NOW AND WRITE SIX APOLOGY LETTERS TO EVERY ONE OF YOUR TEACHERS WHO'S LESSONS YOU HAVE MISSED, PLUS ONE FOR PROFFESSOR SPROUT AND MYSELF!" McGonagall boomed. "I have put a drying spell in the tent, there is a girls half and a boys half. Dry yourselves and we shall escort you to the great hall to write the letters.

We all dropped the hoses and trudged to the tent, wringing out our hair.

As soon as we entered blasts, of hot air hit us.

Astoria was smart enough to make the blasts of air portable so our hair didn't get dried in all directions.

It was quite nice, all the girls redoing each other's makeup and hair, Astoria was fantastic at it. My hair was curled nicely with her wand and it wasn't frizzy.

"At least we didn't miss Astronomy." She laughed as we followed our strict headmistress to the hall.

I was rather happy that I had spoken to professor Sinstra yesterday and this morning, as I wouldn't have even spoken to Astoria. We actually have become friends extremely quickly.

I sat next to Ron and Luna whilst writing our notes. Luna kept randomly giggling and making Ron laugh about the fight. It was rather annoying actually.

I think after astronomy I won't go to dinner...I may have a quiet little walk around the grounds to calm my mind...I'm still so tired.

But first I have to get through astronomy...

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