Narcissa's Birthday Ball

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So this is the ball, what everyone has been waiting for! Whooo! Plus I have no clue what is going to happen during their summer at Hogwarts :/ I am honestly so unorganised. I lost my notebook which had the plot written down… opps, let’s wing it.

Tuesday seemed to drag, Hermione was becoming impatient. The twins were desperately trying to cheer her up and it worked for a while. She felt closer to them than she ever had; but her heart ached when she saw Ron avoiding her gaze. The day was her idea of torture, listening to Ginny babble on about the ball whilst Fred and George messed around and pranked Percy; it did make her laugh but laughing is only temporary, she would feel drained and alone once it had worn off. She only got through the day by throwing all of her other thoughts aside; keeping “I am strong.” Etched in her mind, repeating it whenever necessary.

She fell asleep early, the image of Draco swirling around in her thoughts. She couldn’t take it anymore; her heart was missing him more than her mind was. She would see him, but she would also have to say goodbye once more.


I woke with a start, Fleur was patting my face and speaking extremely quickly in French to Ginny who seemed to understand her every word. “Ginny how the bloody hell are you fluent in French?” I mumbled as Fleur heaved me out of bed, still exchanging a lightning speed conversation with Ginny; the words shooting out of their mouths before I could register them.

“Oui.” Ginny nodded, shoving me into the bathroom roughly; I noticed her hair was soaked along with Fleur’s, their faces glowing and damp and a sweet smell filling my head like fog; misting my thoughts.

I let my eyes wander around the bathroom; Ginny had run me a sweet smelling bubble bath which was a light pink in colour with flower petals floating across the surface.

“Shower to wash your hair, then bubble bath. And please don’t get your hair in the bloody bath; use a shower cap.” Ginny instructed, sweeping out of the bathroom and slamming the door unintentionally behind her.

I flinched at the noise, shedding my clothes and stumbling towards the shower. Turning it on and basking in the steam as the burning water scorched my skin. But I didn’t care; I hummed along to no particular song as I massaged my scalp with the apple shampoo that I loved. I ran the conditioner along the ends of my hair, tilting my head back under the water and letting it patter against the sensitive skin on my neck. Quickly rinsing it off and slipping out of the shower; not bothering to dry myself as I shoved my hair in a plain white shower cap and dropped myself into the bath. I exhaled through my teeth, the water was much colder than the shower; it was just warm, bordering freezing.

I shivered as I closed my eyes; letting my body cool down and relax as the soft scent soothed my mind and muscles.

I must have fallen asleep in the bath because my eyes shot open as I heard someone banging on the door, the lock rattling with every knock. “LET’S GO HERMIONE; YOU HAVE BEEN IN THAT BATH FOR HOURS! YOU PRUNE!” Ginny laughed through the door, snapping me out of the soft daze that was clouding up my mind.

I clambered out of the bath, noticing that all the bubbles were gone and I was only left with petals and rosy pink water. I snatched a fluffy white towel from the radiator and dried myself, wrapping it around me as I took off my shower cap and wrapped my hair in another towel; darting out of the room and chuckling softly at the sight of my wrinkled hands.

Fleur tutted as she saw me, nodding towards my bed which had my dress draped over it; along with all the contents of my shopping bags. Ginny was still in her towel too but Fleur was only wearing a dressing gown. “I’ll go an’ get dressed for the ball now.” She smiled as she swept elegantly from the room, closing the door with a small click behind her.

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