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So, I decided against making chapter 12 private. Mostly because I didn't want to go through my phone shutting off in the middle of me getting it to update. But, I haven't gotten any feedback on the story so far and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Most likely if I don't get any comments or votes or whatever then I'm going to stop updating so often, so if you like it and want me to keep updating pretty often, leave some feedback c;

But uh, I do need name ideas, I have a few but I'm not sure how they'll workout. Also, do you want a book two after this one? I know where I want the story to go from here and I have ideas for follow up stories. Like I've said in an earlier update, I am planning on starting a new story soon, but I need names and such.

Lastly, chapter 12 should be up by Friday August 9.




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