Chapter 7

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"Guilty." The ivory-skinned judge stared us down as he uttered the word without emotion. "Life sentence."

I gawked. "You can't do that!" I protested. "You're the ones who kidnapped my son!"

"You have committed treason against Heaven," he answered patronizingly. "You've defiled our government buildings and have attempted assault."

His eyes were blacker than Jungkook's as he glared at me. I found that strange on an angel, but the darkness of his eyes didn't make him look demonic. His eyes were incredibly large and doe-like, like an anime character, and they glowed with pure intelligence. Although the judge himself looked about fifty, his eyes were ageless. His dark hair was the same as his eyes--darker than raven--and it was highly contrasted against his pure white skin. He had the same shades as Jungkook, but the only difference was that Jungkook was more of a dead, bloodless black and white, and the judge's coloring was brilliant and lively. He made the blackest of black hair and eyes seem alive and immortal, like all angels did.

In the sea of glowing and pulsing angels, Jungkook seemed like a crow. His black wings stood out for sure, and while everyone else radiated superior life, he was dull and cold with life after death. I found his cold hand under the table and gave it a soft squeeze. It was he who was the most at risk here. At least I somewhat blended in. Everyone looked at me like I was a brainwashed traitor, but everyone looked at him like the enemy, because, well, he was.

The guards swarmed us and handcuffed us. Two clicks later, we were being pushed towards the exit of the court, and the scene looked familiar to me. We used the same exit as the last time I'd been here, but the last time I'd been here, I wasn't being handcuffed and led to prison. Once the doors opened and sunlight streamed in, the world before me flashed and dissolved into ethereal light.

Was this light traveling? I looked around in awe as the light particles reflected off each other in this shimmering abyss. It was so beautiful, so calming.

The brilliant light disappeared and was replaced with the harsh, searing ones of the prison. Jungkook and I were led back into the same cell we had been held in before. The bars of light locked behind us, and the guards disappeared from my line of vision.

We stood there in a deep silence for a few moments, trying to take in what had just happened. The judge with the ivory skin was still burned into the back of my mind, his bright eyes emotionless. How could these people be so unreasonable?

"They're not," Jungkook sighed. "It's just that they can't let us get away again."

"Ye-" I began, but I cut myself off. "Did I say that aloud?"

Did you? A cheeky voice popped into my mind. A mischievous smirk was plastered to Jungkook's face, and I groaned and rolled my eyes dramatically.

"Even in prison, you still manage to be a complete idiot," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Why?"

"Because," he began, grinning, "I can."

I hit him lightly on the shoulder. "Dumbass," I remarked. "How many hours do we have now?"

"Oh yeah, just let me check my watch," he replied scathingly, rolling up his sleeve to reveal an imaginary wristwatch. Jungkook's expression returned back to its normal, serious self. "But honestly, we don't have much time before..."

"Scarlet," called Jimin as he entered the cell with a flash of light, J-Hope appearing with him, "go with J-Hope."

"Why?" I eyed the two warily. Jimin had a saber handle attached to his belt, and I suspected with growing panic that something unpleasant would appear from the handle. What kind of weapon, though? It made me nervous not knowing, and I couldn't help but feel afraid again.

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