Chapter 4

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"Why are you looking for Junghyun?"

My heart leapt into my throat as pre-battle adrenaline began to trickle into my veins. Oh God, how did they find out? Had I been too suspicious in one of the centers? I was amped up to fight, though I didn't know how I'd manage that.

"You've been visiting an awful lot of adoption centers, so what do you want with him, huh?" The voice that was interrogating me was harsh and cold, and it scared me. What was I to do? I didn't want to reveal my identity, just in case, but how else could I reply?

"Who?" I tried, feigning innocence, the route I'd deemed the safest. "What do you mean?"

"Why are you looking for that kid?" The voice spat back.

"He's my cousin's kid!" I exclaimed, struggling in the vise-like grip of my captor.

"Not a good answer." I was yanked from the wall and was dragged across the gritty ground and up some stairs, like a fire escape. My feet tripped over themselves, and I clambered up the metallic steps with great difficulty, though the man holding me didn't let me fall. A door opened, and I was pushed inside a room. I lost my balance and tumbled to the floor, landing mercilessly on my side. The rough hands returned, pulling me up and throwing me onto a sofa. I collided with someone, and I struggled to push myself back up.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"You're here," the person next to me breathed. My heartbeat thumped faster, and I realized that I recognized that voice. It was V. They'd captured V as well.

"So what do you want with Junghyun?" The blindfolds came up, and V and I were staring at a tall, pale man with hard eyes. His hair was strangely colored for someone with his expression; a mint green fringe dusted over his forehead.


"Oh, good, you got the other one." Another man strolled into the room, and my eyes widened when I saw him. I recognized the wavy, brown hair on sight.

"Jungkook?" I gaped, squinting to make sure that it was truly him.

"You know Jungkook?" The mint-haired man was on guard again. "How?"

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," V groaned next to me. "You're saying that my little brother ambushed me?"

Jungkook's eyes narrowed and darted between the two of us. "Scarlet?" he asked incredulously. "V?"

At that moment, I remembered that I was supposed to be waiting in the Underworld.


"H-Hi, Jungkook," I laughed nervously.


V stepped out of the apartment bedroom in which his brothers had been talking to him in. His expression was grim, but he still attempted to smile. It didn't reach its rectangle shape before it disappeared.

"How badly did they kick your ass?" I whispered.

"Not too bad," he murmured back, grinning. "But goddamn, Suga's scary when he's mad."

I chuckled at that thought of Suga with mint green hair. He'd grown in height too, but I was too afraid to make a height joke. Rap Monster had also made an appearance, and he had changed into a tanner version of himself with pink hair, which was also unsettling. It was a good thing though, because I never would've guessed that it was him, not with hair colored like that.

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