A Long Harry Imagine!

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This is an Imagine I wrote for A girl named Emma. Follow her on Twitter at @Emma_Styles_1D.. I didn't put her name in the story so everyone can enjoy it! So uh please, enjoy.



                You stood in the mirror pointing out every part of your body that you didn’t like or that was too “Fat”. By now you pointed out over half of your body, and it made you cry. You stood there looking at a reflection of yourself that you couldn’t stand. You punched the mirror, hurting your hand more than the mirror. You slid down the wall pulling at your hair, the haters on twitter were right. Your vision was blurred and your head started to hurt, due to crying too much.  

                “Y/N” Harry called out, as he entered the door of yours and his flat.

                You didn’t say a word, as you couldn’t speak. You tried to call out but you just couldn’t. All you did was sob, and Harry heard it.

                “Oh Y/N what’s wrong” He said, kneeling down to hold you in his arms, wiping your tears in the process.

                You still couldn’t talk, so you held up your phone. It was on Twitter, one of the World Wide trends was “Y/N Is A Fat Bitch”. He grabbed your phone scrolling through all the tweets that people posted about you

@HarryLover4Ever – Y/N Is A Fat Bitch , glad this is trending maybe she will finally see the truth

@OneDirectionIsMine69- Y/N Is A Fat Bitch, people don’t forget she’s a whore too!

@HarryFMe69 – Y/N Is A Fat Bitch is 100% true maybe if she stopped eating Harry’s dick then she might lose weight

                Harry had about enough of the tweets, he threw your phone and held you even closer whispering in your ear

                “Y/N please don’t listen to them, you’re beautiful, and definitely not a fat bitch, I love you. Everyone’s going to have haters, but remember they are just jealous. Please don’t cry”

                You lifted your head off of Harry’s shoulder, tears still flowing down your face.

                “How can I not listen to them, their right! I hate how I look” You cried.

                Now you really were beautiful, and definitely NOT fat or a bitch. But somehow when enough people say the same thing to you, you start to believe them.

                “Y/N” Harry whispered, looking into your eyes.

                “No Harry, I can’t just not do anything about it” You cried standing up.

                “Then neither can I” He said, standing up with you.

                You looked at Harry confused at what he meant. He grabbed your hands and looked you in the eyes, with the most concerned face you have ever seen.

                “If you won’t listen to me then why don’t you start working out with me?” He said.

                You hated working out, but if that’s what gets the haters to stop hating you then you were going to do it.

                “Fine I will” You said, crossing your arms.

                “Why don’t we start now” He suggested, smiling.

                You nodded you head, as Harry drug you to the workout room. You looked around and it made you tired even thinking of how much work each equipment would take. 

                “Why don’t we start with sit ups” Harry said more then asked. 

                You got down on the ground into a sit-up position.  Harry looked at you.

                “For every sit up you get a kiss” He said winking, then puckering up his lips. 

                You started to your sit-ups, once your chest got to your knee’s Harry leaned in for a kiss. You two kept doing that but once you hit sit up 25 Harry started looking down at his phone, and typing bit by bit, still giving you your kisses. It made you upset that he wasn’t paying as much attention as he was before. He finally stopped typing on his phone, and your phone buzzed. It was A twitter notification, Harry tweeted something new . It read

“Words Hurt, Think Before You Speak, Y/N Is Beautiful, And Perfect! #Y/N Is Beautiful , Spread The Word.

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