A really Long Zayn Imagine

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It was a warm Saturday night, and surprisingly your boyfriend Zayn had a day off. Those didn’t happen very often, so you two tried to make the most of it. You made a big bonfire in the back yard. You two were sitting there talking about everything and anything. Zayn looked over towards you from his chair, and admired your beauty.

“What?” You asked, smiling.

“ Nothing, just trying to figure out how I ended up with the most beautiful girl in the world” He said looking into your eyes, you saw the flame from the fire reflect in his eyes once you looked into his eyes too.

You blushed at his response. Until Zayn stood up, and went to the garage. You still sat there, but now confused as to what Zayn was doing. Moments later he came back with a blanket.

“Wanna sit with me Y/N” Zayn called out, walking back towards the fire.

You nodded your head, and helped Zayn unfold the blanket. You both sat on the blanket, continuing you conversation, when Zayn went to lay down. You still sat up looking down at him, his eyes were closed. He looked in pain.

“Are you okay Zayn” You asked, worried.

“Yea, I’m fine Y/N , Come cuddle me” Zayn said, extending his arm for you to lay down.

You accepted the offer, and cuddled Zayn, before you knew it you fell asleep in his arms.

You woke hours later to Zayn, throwing up, everywhere.

“Zayn!” You yelled.

He looked up at you , you could only make out the figure of him, because it was to dark. He tried to speak but he only threw up more.  You reached into you chair, still sitting on the blanket, and tried to find the flashlight. Once you found it you flicked it on pointing it at the ground so you wouldn’t step in any of his puke.

Once you got to him, he looked at you and said

“I’m so sorry”

You looked at Zayn, sympathy in your eyes, and told him it was okay. You started to rub his back, trying to comfort him, but he had to throw up again, making you gag. You wanted to see if he had a fever so you held your hand up to his forehead.

“Ouch” You said, shaking your hand. He was burning up.

You knew Zayn needed help, and you weren’t any help at all.

“Zayn we have to go to the hospital, now” You said, trying to help him to the car.

You put him in the passenger seat, and rolled down the window so he didn’t have to make a mess in your car. Once you got to the hospital, paparazzi was already there, making your job harder than it already was. You got Zayn from the passenger side, putting his arm around you, you walked him into the front doors.

The nurses all knew he needed help immediately so they let him in right away. You got put into a room, and the nurse handed you a clip board to fill out about Zayn.

“Thank-You” Zayn tried to say, but he winced in pain as he spoke.

“Don’t thank me Zayn I had to, now please lay on the bed, try and get some rest” You said, still filling out the clip board.

He listened and laid down, falling asleep, only for a couple minutes until the doctor came in. You explained everything to the doctor, and he knew right away what was wrong with Zayn.

The doctor looked at you and Zayn, sympathy, worry, and sadness filled his eyes.

“I’m so sorry Mr. Malik, I’m afraid you have cancer” He spoke softly, hoping no one on the other side of the door would hear.

You broke into tears, the words cancer repeated in your mind, you ran to Zayn who looked too much in shock to react. You looked back at the doctor and shook your head.

“It can’t be, please tell me it’s not, he’s going to be fine right?” You yelled at him, tears still running down you face.

“Please settle down Y/N” The doctor said, avoiding your question.

Zayn grabbed your hand, making you look back at him. You could see the tears in his eyes that he wouldn’t let fall.

He looked at you in the eyes, still holding your hand and said.

“Y/N it’s okay, it’s natural. Please don’t cry, I love you even if I’m not with you. We can get through this. I hate seeing you like this, I know it’s natural to act like this. But if you ever want a reason to smile, just look down at your hand, and remember how perfectly mine fits when we hold hands. If you need a reason to keep going every day, just remember how perfectly my sweater fits when you’re cold. Don’t let this ruin your life. Everything’s going to be fine. You’re my angel, you always protect me. Remember the first time we met? Remember how we both felt? The butterflies? I still get those every time I look in your eyes, I love you Y/N. Please be happy, for me? I’m hurting, and I need a way to feel better, and your smile makes everything better. Can’t it make this better? It’s me and you against the world, and we can get through this. I love you, forever and always.”

The words touched your heart, and you knew Zayn was ready to face this, and you had to be too. You hugged Zayn and gave him a kiss on the forehead. You tried to enjoy the moment as much as you could, until the doctor asked to see you in the hallway, as he had ‘questions’.

You walked out with the doctor, and he looked at you once the door was shut and said.

“To answer your question from earlier, he has about 3-5 months to live”

You dropped to your knees, fresh tears running over top of the stained ones. The doctor knelt down beside you, rubbing your back. You couldn’t handle any more bad news.

“Please, you can’t tell him though, its better if he thinks he will make it, they will usually stay alive longer.” The doctor added.

You nodded you head, and dried your tears. You looked at the doctor and stood up. You thanked him, and then walked into the room to see Zayn passed out on the bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 ½ Months Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Zayn was pale, and bald due to the treatment, but he still looked like a million bucks in your eyes.

He lay on the hospital bed, looking at you like he wanted to tell you something.

“What is it Zayn?” You said, knowing he wasn’t going to say it if you didn’t ask.

“How come you’re stayed with me all this time, I know I’m going to die anytime now” He replied, the words broke your heart to hear.

“I stayed because I love you, and how did you find that out?” You asked, putting your hand over his.

“I’ve heard you and the doctors talking, I know I don’t have much time” He said, using all he had to finish the sentence.

~~~~~~~~~~5 Months Later~~~~~~~

“He only has a couple minuets Y/N , please just call us when he’s passed, it would be the best for him, and for you” The nurse told you before you entered Zayn’s hospital room.

You walked in, and Zayn said his usual “Hello beautiful”.

You sat beside him, and started bawling your eyes out. Once Zayn asked what was wrong you told him everything, how he was going to pass really soon.

He looked down at you, grabbed your hand, and said.

“Y/N it’s okay, it’s natural. Please don’t cry, I love you even if I’m not with you. You can get through this. I hate seeing you like this, I know it’s natural to act like this. But if you ever want a reason to smile, just look down at your hand, and remember how perfectly mine fits when we hold hands. If you need a reason to keep going every day, just remember how perfectly my sweater fits when you’re cold. Don’t let this ruin your life. Everything’s going to be fine. I’m now your angel, and I will always protect you. Remember the first time we met? Remember how we both felt? The butterflies? I still get those every time I look in your eyes, I love you Y/N. Please be happy, for me? I’m hurting, and I need a way to feel better, and your smile makes everything better. Can’t it make this better? It’s me and you against the world, and you can get through this. I love you, forever and always.”

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