A Long Harry Imagine

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This imagine is for a girl on Wattpad! I hope you like it! Please follow her, her username is Zarry_girlx



“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU” You yelled at harry, tears were already streaming down your cheeks, and your mascara was ruined beyond repair.

“I’M JUST A BIG DOUCHE BAG, RIGHT?” Harry yelled back throwing a plate across the room.

He was obviously going to get physical, and it was scaring you. You knew Harry was strong, you saw the way he beat up everyone that hurt you, but could he have it in him to hurt you?

“Harry...” You started, but he cut you off.

“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE HARRY ME! I’M DONE WITH YOU! WE’RE DONE!” Harry yelled, grabbing his coat, and headed for the door.

You didn’t want Harry to leave; it was just a fight... Right? You ran towards Harry, and grabbed his arm, trying to stop him. He spun around, anger filled his eyes.

“Please Harry” You begged, trying to get him to stay home. He grabbed your arm, making you wince in pain.

“No Y/N, we’re done! I don’t love you anymore! You’re a horrible person, and I don’t know how I ended up with you. You look pathetic when you cry, dry your tears. I love how I ruin your mascara. But please let me go. I don’t want to be together anymore. You can Keep the apartment, keep the keys, keep the car, you can even keep the king sized bed, I don’t want any of it, I just want to leave. Good-bye, forever” Harry said, tears trapped in his eyes, that he wouldn’t let escape.

The words stabbed you in the heart. Harry said it like he practised it a million times. You let go of Harry’s arm, more tears flew from your eyes.

“Fine, I don’t love you either” You cried.

Harry left yours and his flat, slamming the door behind him. Your knees gave out from under you as you fell. You sat on the ground, pulling your knees up to your chest; burying your face into your arms. You let out a loud sob. You stood up, and wiped your tears. While looking around you saw a picture frame, and inside was a picture of you and Harry asleep cuddling. Louis had taken the photo.  You went over and grabbed the photo, only making more tears flow down your face. But you couldn’t take it anymore. You threw the picture down the hallway, and a loud shatter followed it as it hit the wall. You looked at the picture frame that was now in a million pieces, but turned away. You went into the bathroom as you felt you were going to get sick.

“Why” You cried, as you looked at your reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Eventually, after getting sick about 3 times, you passed out on the bathroom floor.

You woke the next morning to your phone ringing, it was Louis.

“Hello” You muttered.

“Y/N OMG THANK GOD! Please come here, I have no clue what’s going on, Harry came here last night, drunk out of his mind, and he looks pretty beat up” Louis quietly panicked, trying not to wake Harry.

“I don’t want to see him, we’re over. And about the bruises, I don’t know” You said, hanging up on Louis.

You felt bad for hanging up on Louis, but you didn’t want to start your day like that.

Hours later Louis called back.

“Hey, look I’m sorry for hanging up earlier” You said, answering the phone.

“It’s okay, I understand, but I need you to understand me too. Harry needs you he’s a mess without you. Please just go on a date with him tonight, I’m not asking you to take him back, but please give him a chance” Louis said, trying to keep his voice down.

“Louis I just can’t” You replied.

Every day for the next month Louis called you, and it was always the same conversation. One day, you finally realized how much you needed Harry, and missed him, so you accepted the offer.

“Tell him to pick me up at 7” You told Louis.

You could hear him Jump for joy over the phone, you knew he wasn’t coming back to talk to you, so you hung up the phone.

You sat on the couch still in your Pajama’s, and went through the T.V channel guide, then noticed the time on T.V; 6:30 PM.

“Crap” You muttered to yourself, scrabbling to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

Once you were done getting ready there was a knock at the door, it was Harry.

“COME IN” You yelled from the bathroom.

You heard the door close, knowing that Harry was in the house. That’s when everything sat in, it’s Harry, and you haven’t seen him in a month. Butterfly’s filled your stomach, but you ignored them, walking out to go see Harry.

“Wow...” Harry said in amazement.

“What? Do I look bad?” You panicked, feeling the butterfly’s come back.

“No. You look, beautiful” Harry smiled, making you blush. He put his arm around you, but you quickly pushed it off.

He looked at you, and he looked hurt.

“Just friends, I can’t take you back right now” You said, looking at him.

He nodded his head, and you two left and went in his car. The car ride was long, but you enjoyed it, you missed Harry, a lot. You missed his eyes, you missed his smile, you missed the sound of his voice, you just missed him.

Harry brought you to a spot along the side of a highway, and you had to walk down a trial to get to where he was bringing you.

Once you got to the end of the trial, you looked around, and it was beautiful. There was a waterfall, and a stream running away from it, and along the stream was a little cabin. Harry watched as your eyes filled with amazement.

“You like it?” Harry spoke softly, wrapping his arms around your waist. You spun around, out of Harry’s arms

“Right, Just Friends” Harry said, acting like he had to remind himself, but you knew very well, he never forgot.

Midnight was setting in, and you were having the time of your life.

“Why don’t we go swimming” Harry suggested, pointing towards the waterfall.

You nodded your head in agreement, and you two both stripped into your undergarments.

You both splashed around, and laughed. Then Harry grabbed you and pointed towards the moon.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” He asked.

You agreed, admiring the full moon.

“But your more beautiful in my eyes Y/N” Harry whispered in your ear.

You blushed; you missed Harry’s corny lines. Harry grabbed you, so you faced him.

“Look Y/N I’m sorry about everything, I never meant to hurt you” Harry said.

You were so fragile from yours and his separation that you bursted into tears. Harry pulled you close, wiped your tears, but more still fell. He looked into your eyes, and said

“Y/N, we’re not done! I still love you! You’re a beautiful person, and I don’t know how I ended up with you. I hate when you cry, dry your tears. I hate how I ruin your mascara, please just let me ruin your lipstick. But please don’t let me go. I don’t want to be alone anymore. We can keep the apartment, keep the keys, keep the car, we can even keep the king sized bed, but I don’t want any of it, I just want to be with you. I love you, forever”

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