the first time

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I walked slowly with my head down, my eyes focusing on the knot of my flannel that I wad tying around my waist. The flannel was a faded red, white, and blue and a few sizes too big on me but it gave me warmth on the chilly nights. 

After I was done with the flannel, I lifted my head up and paid attention to where I was walking. I abruptly stopped, my face was inches away from a wooden picket fence. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked left before looking right. To my right there was a dirt trail and in the distance a ball was thrown. Curiosity swirled through my head and soon enough my legs and feet were taking me towards the ball that is was just sitting on the dirt ground.

I headed towards it, my hand resting on the wooden fence to my left. The trail disappeared under me and turned into dirt. Once I stepped onto the dirt, a figure ran to the ball, picked it up and disappeared. It looked blurry to me, the figure quickly ran off.

I moved to the wooden fence to my right and peeked around the corner. I saw a worn out white diamond with eight boys scattered on it, throwing the ball that I saw around to each other. My eyebrows raised and my eyes widened in excitement. Finally I could something to pass the time!

I slowly moved forward, hoping that the boys wouldn't see me and stop. When they didn't, I sighed out and kept moving. My body arrived at the left side of the fence again to a point where I could see the whole field and the boys. I turned and faced the wooden fence that looked easy to climb. At it was. I jumped up and gripped the top of the fence before placing my feet on on the wood and pushing my self up. When I got to the top, I slowly turned to face the field and sat down. 

The boys weren't throwing the ball around, they were standing around, waiting for someone to throw the ball to someone else who is holding a bat. The ball got thrown and the boy swung his bat and hit the ball with a loud crack. The ball flew towards me and I got ready to jump down if needed. Instead of hitting me, I hit the fence on the spot right next to my legs. 

The ball bounced back and I jumped down, wanting to get the ball and throw it back but, the sound of feet hitting the ground quickly filled my ears then abruptly stopped.

I was looking down so I slowly lifted my head up and my eyes met with a guy's face. His skin was tan and his eyes were brown, he also looked Hispanic. I couldn't tell anything else because the sun was shining on my eyes, making me squint them.

I looked at his eyes again and saw that they were looking at me up and down. Not checking me out but trying to see what I looked like. We kept staring at each other for a few more seconds, for me it felt like an eternity. But I broke our gaze by bending over and wrapping my fingers around the small white ball that was by our feet. 

I stood up straight and stuck my arm out, trying to give the ball back to him. He took it from my hand and our fingers brushed, sending a chill down my spine. He nodded before turning around and jogging back to the boys he was playing with.


"Who was that?" Squints asked as I stopped in front of the boys as they stood in a group in front of me.

"I don't know." I looked down at the ball at my hands and started at it, remembering how her fingers brushing against mine felt. The girl I just met had messy blonde curls and freckles running across the bridge of her nose and dotting her cheeks. I really didn't see her eyes and what color they were since she was squinting them.

"What do you mean 'you don't know'? You didn't ask for her name?" Ham furrowed his eyebrows together. I shook my head.

"I-I didn't think of asking her, we just kept staring at each other when I saw her."

"Really? I mean, she's hot." Ham glanced over his shoulder, at the girl who was now biting her fingernails, probably nervously since she probably knows that we're talking about her. 

I nodded and looked back up, looking over Ham to settle my eyes on the girl. She was hot, but she was also very pretty. She was like a mystery, none of us has seen her before, and I wanted to figure her out and know her everything about, inside and out. At that moment I first saw her face, she was entrancing met towards her. 

"Well go ask her man." DeNunez hit my shoulder lightly and I turned my head to him. I turned my head back to look at the girl again, but when my eyes went to where she was standing, she was gone. 

"I can't anymore, she's gone." I said, making all the boys turn around.

"Then ask her if she comes by again later or even tomorrow." Squints spoke up.

"How do you know that's she's gonna come back?" Ham crossed his arms over his chest.

"Then what are we gonna call her then?" DeNunez asked. 

I opened my mouth and blurted out without thinking, "Mystery Girl." They boys shared a looked before Ham spoke up and they all looked at me again. "Mystery Girl?"

"Yeah yeah, why Mystery Girl?" Yeah Yeah asked.

"I mean think about it, if there's a mystery, no one knows what it is right? And since we don't know her, she's a mystery. Mystery Girl, that's the perfect name, well, for me it is." I explained then shrugged. 

Timmy shrugged too. "It makes sense, I like it."

"It makes sense, I like it." Tommy repeated.  

"Well, now that's settled, let's play ball!" I announced, passing the ball to DeNunez. Everyone went back to their positions, and so did I. While we played, I kept looking at the spot Mystery Girl was sitting on. When—if Mystery Girl came back, I will go up to her and actually talk to her.

so that was the first imagine! i really hope you guys liked it and im sorry it took so long to get this up. i already had the idea of how they first met when i first started The Sandlot Orphan but i forgot and i tried so hard to get it back but i had to watch the sandlot to get ideas. plus, i just moved into a new apartment with my family and i get a lot of homework from school so..

but im hoping the next imagine will be posted soon, i have no idea what that imagine is going to be about so pretty please give me ideas! 

anyways, thanks for reading and i'll see you in the next update!


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