mom's advice

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        One hot summer day, Hayley's aunt wanted to have a barbecue to celebrate the fourth of July and invite Jenny and Penny along with their parents. So that's what happened; they had a barbecue in the unbearable heat. Since the air was so thick and humid, and Hayley's great aunt and uncle had a pool, she decided to let Jenny and Penny know to bring their bathing suits before they went over. Hayley changed into her own swimwear and stepped outside, heading towards the pool.

        Once she got to the pool, she went up its steps and saw David and the rest of the boys in the sandlot along with Johnnie. An idea popped up in her head as she watched them talk. The idea was perfect; it would allow her to spend time with David, the boy she was developing a crush on.

        "Hey, do you guys wanna go swimming?" Hayley called out to the boys and jenny and Penny jumped into the pool water. 

        The boys glanced at Hayley before turning back to David. Hayley for a second thought that they didn't want to go swimming, but when they dropped their bikes and started to take off their socks and shoes, Hayley sighed in relief. They boys started to run to Hayley's backyard except David; he picked up his bicycle and started to ride away and out of the sandlot. Hayley pursed her lips and scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion. Why did David leave? she thought.

        She kept thinking this until Johnnie ran to her backyard as well and tried to go by Hayley. She stopped him. "Johnnie." She called out to said boy.


        "Isn't David gonna come swimming too?" asked Hayley hesitantly, being careful in not making it seem obvious that she had feelings for David.

        "Mmm," Johnnie thought for a moment, looking out to the sandlot. "I don't think so. Maybe he will later though."

        Hayley smiled sadly at him before he left to take off his clothes and go into the pool. Hayley then leaned against the pool railing, looking down at her twiddling fingers. She remained like that for a little while until her great aunt approached her.

        "Hey big guy." She greeted, leaning against the railing as well next to Hayley. "What's the matter?"

        "I thought he liked me." Hayley stated, referring to David. Her great aunt already knew who Hayley was talking about. Hayley told her everything since her mom wasn't around as much. "What's the matter with me?"

        "Oh tiger, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are perfect . Just remember this: A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."

        Hayley didn't understand the comparison her great aunt used but she gave her a fake smile and said. "Oh, great. Thanks Aunt Melissa."

        Melissa believed that her advice worked and made her great niece feel better, so she left the pool area and went back to host the barbecue. As she was heading back to the barbecue, she saw her niece Samantha walk into the backyard with her twin boys, Joshua and Jonathan, or Josh and Jon for short. Melissa nearly screamed when she saw her, smiling widely and approaching her with open arms.

        Sam smiled back when she saw her aunt and let go of her boys' hands to embrace her in a hug. "Oh Samantha! You're finally back! It's so good to see you."

        "You too Aunt Melissa." Sam managed to get out as Melissa squeezes the life out of her. "You can let go of me now."

        "Oh, right! Sorry partner." Melissa chuckled as she let go of Sam and took a step back. Sam mentally cringed at the pet name but smiled anyways. Her aunt didn't like how men and women had separate pet names' she thought it was sexist so she called her close family and friends pet names that were meant for boys. Sam thought it was odd but she didn't say anything about it.

        "So, where's Benny?" Melissa questioned, looking behind Sam, hoping to find him there. When she didn't find anyone, she turned her attention back to Sam.

        At the mention of Benny, Sam smiled brightly as a blush dusted her cheeks lightly. Even after all of those years, at just simply hearing his name, Sam instantly smiled and flushed red. Their love and sparks were still strong. "He's still with the team, taking care of some business. He said he'll be here though. When? That I do not know."

        "Oh good, I can't wait to see him again." Melissa smiled, clasping her hands together.

        After Sam's reunion with her aunt, she asked for her Uncle Matt. Melissa pointed to where he was and Sam was on her way over, letting her boys run around and play. Sam spent a little while talking to Jenny and Penny's parents and catching up with them since they were all friends until she realized; she hasn't found her daughter Hayley. Sam checked on Josh and Jon before going to her Aunt Melissa.

        "Hey Aunt Melissa?" Sam tapped her aunt's shoulder as she was talking to Uncle Matt. She turned to Sam and smiled. "Do you know where Hayley is?"

        Melissa nodded and pointed at Hayley who was still at the same spot by the pool, facing the sandlot. "She was feeling a little down, but I talked to her and she's better now." said Melissa, placing her hand on Sam's shoulder before she turned to go to her daughter.

        "Okay, thank you." Sam nodded at her aunt before starting to head towards her daughter. She climbed up the pool stairs and stood next to Hayley, crossing her arms.

        "What are we looking at?" A smile started to grow on Sam's face as she heard her daughter gasp before turning to her.

        "Mom!" exclaimed Hayley, immediately enveloping her mom I'm a hug. "Thank god you're here! I missed you..."

        "I missed you too honey, so much." Sam replied, pressing a kiss to Hayley's forehead and smoothing down her long brown hair with her hand. "So, Aunt Melissa told me you weren't feeling well, what's wrong?"

        Hayley took a deep breath and told her everything, starting from when she first met David at school up to how he left when she invited him to go swimming. "I thought he like me Mom. What's wrong with me?" Hayley finished, looking up at Sam with teary eyes. Sam wiped away a tear that started rolling down her cheek and tucked some strands of hair behind her ear.

        "Oh Hayley..." Sam sighed, frowning. "Just because a boy doesn't like you back, it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you. You are so perfect, inside and out, don't let anyone tell you or show you otherwise."

        "But I really like this boy."

        "I know baby, I know, but if he doesn't like you back, you can't force him to. Like what if a boy likes you, but you don't like him back. You can't be forced to like him, right?" Hayley shook her head.

        "So you can't force him. But he may like you, he just doesn't show it. Boys are stupid, so that's what they do; they show their love in weird ways. Remember how I told you how your father and I were when we were younger? Your father did the same thing this David did, making it seem like girls can play baseball, but in reality, he didn't mean it. David showed that too by helping you when that boy hit you in the stomach. That shows that he either likes you, or at least cares about you. But if he doesn't, don't put yourself down, have some self worth. At the end of the day, we have ourselves, we don't need boys, okay?"

        Hayley smiles up proudly at her mother and nods, "Okay." She pulls Sam in for another hug."I love you so much Mom, I'm glad you're back."

        "I love you too honey. I'm happy that I'm here with you."

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