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        David was surprised when he was fetched by Hayley and when she tells him that her parents want to see him. Hayley and David walked to her house and on the way there, the seventeen-year-old boy asks his sixteen-year-old crush as if she knows why Sam and Benny want to see him. Hayley just shrugged and when they arrived to where she lives, she told him she would see him later leaving a nervous David.

        There could be many reasons why his crush's parents wanted to see him. Each and every reason was running through David's head in different scenarios. After a few minutes of just standing in front of the front door, he hesitantly knocked. After moments later, Sam opened th door with a warm smile.

        "Hey David! Come in, come in." She moved to the side to let him walk in. Inside, Benny was sitting down on the couch in the living room with his hands clasped together, waiting for David to join him. David slowly did so, taking a seat next to Hayley's father while Sam stood next to Benny with her hands on his shoulders. David glanced up at them before looking down at the floor, taking a deep breath in.

        "So, Hayley brought you here and told you that we needed to talk to you right?" Benny spoke up, David sitting up straight to look at him. He then nods, Benny continuing. "Well the topic we need to talk about is about her."

        David gulped, his hands starting to sweat as he got nervous again.

        "Well remember the talk we had about not being able to kiss Hayley or do couple-y things with her because you were too young to date?" Sam asked making David perk up a bit. He nodded quickly. "Since it's been a while since then and you and Hayley seem mature enough..."

        "You can date each other now, that is, if you still want to." Benny finished for his wife.

        David was stunned for a few moments, blinking rapidly as what they just said was getting processed in his mind. He then nodded, a big smile growing on his face. "Of courseI mean yes, I would still like to date your daughter. When can I ask her out?"

        "Whenever you'd like David." Sam's smile mirrored his.

        "Any idea on how to do so?" Benny asked with a small smile.

        David shook his head, his smile going small. "Could you help me, please?"

        Sam and Benny looked at each other before looking back at him. "Yes." They said in unison. David smiled in relief.

        Now it's the Fourth of July, the sun is down and David is in the Sandlot. Benny and Sam gave David the idea of asking Hayley out during the fireworks just like how Benny asked out Sam. It's like they wanted to make it a tradition.

        In the middle of the field, there is a large picnic blanket along with another blanket so that Hayley and David can watch the fireworks while covered by the blanket since it is kind of a chilly night which is rare. There are fairy lights surrounding the picnic blanket, illuminating the cloth on the ground. 

        David thought of doing this with the help of Hayley's parents. They even helped him set up and everything. There was no food though since there was just recently a barbecue to celebrate the national holiday, so they were all full. David's friends along with Benny and Sam are in Sam's aunt's backyard so that they can also see the fireworks. Penny and Jenny are off distracting Hayley until nine o'clock, the time where the fireworks will start.

        David is really nervous, running his fingers through his blonde hair and taking deep breaths in and out. He keeps doing this until he feels a soft tap on his shoulder. The male teen turns around and is met with the one and only Hayley Rodriguez. When he sees her, his eyes go wide and his breath is taken away.

        Hayley is wearing her mother's Fourth of July dress with the same red flower crown and matching converse. "So, how do I look?" Hayley breaths out with a slight smile.

        David swallows thickly and licks his lips before speaking. "You look breathtaking, literally."

        In the dark, Hayley blushes and bites her lip. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." She teases, fixing some of David's loose strands of hair. David smiles and invites his hopefully soon-to-be-girlfriend to sit down with him on the blanket.

        Once they're both seated, the fireworks immediately start. Loud crackles and pops come from the light show in the sky, making Hayley smile widely. She loves watching the fireworks every year on this holiday. As Hayley admires the fireworks, David admires her, watching as her eyes are wide in awe and how the lights illuminate her face.

        "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Hayley says, loud enough for David to hear.

        "Yeah you are." The words spill out of David's mouth without him thinking it. He cringes a bit at how cheesy that was but smiles when Hayley looks up at him, her big smile widening.

        David thinks this is the perfect time to ask her, so he takes a deep breath in and starts to speak once more. "Hayley...can I ask you" his words are silenced as lips are pressed to his. David is stunned and doesn't kiss Hayley back as his eyes widen. Hayley feels this and immediately pulls away, biting her lip to hide her smile.

        "Yes." Hayley says, now smiling. David is extremely confused, wondering how Hayley knows what he was going to ask. "I know you must be wondering how I know, and it's because Penny and Jenny told me."

        David smiles, shaking his head. "They can never keep their mouth shut. So yes, you'll be my girlfriend?"

        "Of course! Why would I say no?" David's smile widens as he pushes back some of Hayley's hair behind her ears. David holds her face in his hands before leaning down and kissing her softly.

        Suddenly, both Hayley and David hear cheers and claps coming from afar. They turn their heads and sees their friends and family watching them from the fence. Hayley shakes her head with an amused smile as David stands. He throws his hands up and yells, "SHE SAID YES!"

        Cheers are heard from everyone again and even Benny whistles loudly. Hayley's smile grows once more as she thinks about how lucky she is to have amazing friends and family and now, boyfriend.

wow that ending was so bad. i apologize i just had really bad writer's block. welp, this is the end of me writing about hayley and david. someone mentioned that i should write a book about them and i don't know if i should but comment if you want to see it. also comment what you want to see next imagine/deleted scene and i will write it!

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