first date

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        "Meet me at the sandlot's dugout after four." Was what Benny told me before I got to walk into the sandlot to watch him and the rest of the boys play. He also told me not to watch them play, which made me confused, and a little suspicious. 

        I agreed anyways, mentally slapping myself. I should've asked him why he didn't want me to be there, but I didn't know why I didn't.

        As I was walking away from the Sandlot, I shook my head sighing deeply. Maybe he just needs some guy time with the boys. As much as I wanted to, Benny couldn't be with me 24/seven that was understandable but I still don't get why he wanted me to go back at four.

        Since I have spent all my summer days watching the boys play at the Sandlot, I did nothing else. I don't know what to do with this free time now, but I have to find something to do besides doing nothing at my house. 

        I promised myself that i wasn't going to stay at my house doing nothing but that's what I did. for most of the day, I watched television and raided the kitchen, eating a bunch of snacks I found. Most of them were baby snacks meant for Jacob but I ate them anyways. When you're hungry, you're hungry, especially when you're bored.

        Anyways, besides that, I laid on my bed and threw a ball at the wall then caught it, repeating the action multiple times. I walked aimlessly around the house and I even started talking to myself, making up jokes, trying to make myself laugh.

        I was so bored that I was close to going to the Sandlot no matter what Benny said. But finally four o' clock came around and I was already at the Sandlot's entrance by then since I left my house and couple of minutes earlier.

        When I arrive at the dusty Sandlot, I scan the area and find Benny standing in front of the dugout. The dugout is decorated beautifully; two big, white cloths where draped over the dugout's roof and bench while different colored flowers are adorning the light fabric. I smile widely at Benny and he returns the smile, waving shyly at me. Did he do this? I think, my feet carrying me towards him.

        I walk through the empty Sandlot and stop in front of him, biting my lip to control my big smile. "Hey," I breath out as Benny leans his face in and kisses my right cheek softly with his lips.

        "Hi sweetheart." He greets back, grabbing my left hand with his right one.

        My eyes look up and wander again, examining the dugout up close. "What is this?"

        Benny starts walking backwards, leading me into the dugout slowly. "Well, today makes one week since we've started going steady, and we haven't had a date yest so..." He nods his head down, signaling me to look down. I see him take off his worn out sneakers leaving him in his socks. I furrow my eyebrows, confused until I saw a big, red checkered blanket covering the dusty and dirty ground.

        I quickly slip off my shoes and step onto the cloth, raising an eyebrow at Benny, allowing him to finish his sentence. "So?"

        He smiles a toothy grin, stepping over a small, clear vase with a single daisy in it before sitting down behind it. "Welcome to our first date."

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