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        After the talk Hayley and her mother had, day turned into night when the sun set. Hayley and Sam were standing next to the pool after they changed into different clothes, staring out into the sandlot, watching Johnnie set up the fireworks he bought. After Johnnie was finished placing the fireworks on specific spots on the ground, Hayley left the side of the pool when she saw David walk into the sandlot. Sam smiled softly as she watched her daughter approach the boy she liked. Hayley and David remind her of her relationship with Benny; young and innocent. Their stories weren't exactly the same but they were similar in their ways.

        While Sam was going through memories of her and Benny's relationship, she felt familiar arms wrap around her waist from behind. Sam jumped slightly in surprise but then leaned into the arms' embrace. She looked back and met with the face of her husband, Benny, smiling down at her.

        "Hey," She gretted her spouse with a kiss. "You finally made it, and just in time for the fireworks."

        Crackles and pops started to fill the sandlot with noise right after Sam finished her sentence. Sam looked up and saw the fireworks exploding in the air, coloring the dark sky. The smile that was on her face grew and Benny's arms tightened slightly around her body. This took them both back to their Fourth of July years ago, when they had their first official kiss and they first started to officially date. Benny and Sam shared a look silently, not having to speak to know what they were trying to say; happy anniversary.

        They shared a brief kiss before Sam pulled away and moved her attention to her daughter Hayley. She was standing next to David as they glanced at each other with a smile. Sam smiled when she saw this, mentally 'aw'ing. She was a grown adult, but deep deep down, she was still a teen and she probably will be like that for the rest of her life.

        As Sam was admiring Haley and her soon to be boyfriend, she remembered something that she desperately wanted to tell Benny. Sam was about to leave Benny's embrace to stand next to him but Benny removed his arms from her body and stepped to side to stand next to her. He leaned against the pool railing, looking out into the sandlot.

        "So," He spoke. "How's Hayley?"

        Sam explained to him how Hayle was missing them, which made Benny frown. He missed his babygirl too. He wished he could take Hayley along with him to his games but both he and Sam wanted her to enjoy her youth and be  with her friends. Sam also explained how Hayley and her friends Jenny and Penny joined a team with boys to beat a little league which made Benny smile as he remembered Phillips. Then Sam told him how they went to the fair after they beat the team and there, one of the young boys kissed a kissing booth girl on the lips. Finally, Sam explained how there was another story about Mr. Mertle being mean and having another dog that ate kids.

        "So that's what's happening in the sandlot with Hayley?" Sam nods at Benny's question. "All that needs to happen now is for something valuable going over the fence. What's this dog's name?"

        "'The Great Fear' or something like that. That's what Hayley told me."

        Benny laughed, shaking his head. "Wow, this sounds like a crappy sequel."

        Sam gave him a look and hit his arm with her hand. "Hey, this is Hayley's sandlot experience we're talking about."

        "Jesus Sam, you hit hard." Benny chuckled, rubbing the spot where he was hit. "And I'm sorry but the same thing that happened to us is happening to them. They needed to beat a little league kid, one of the boys kissed an older woman like Squints did, and there's a new gorilla dog thing who is owned by Mr. Mertle who is a mean old man."

        "True, but still!" Sam exclaimed and nudged Benny's side with her elbow. 

        Benny poked her side softly. "What's with you and hitting me tonight?"

        Sam gave him an innocent smile as she shrugged. "I love you though."

        "Yeah, yeah, I love you too."

just a lil blurb for you guys. next imagine or deleted scene is going to be a short blurb too!

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