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        After the words that were thrown between Hayley plus her friends and David plus his friends, Hayley challenged Mac to a baseball showoff. If Hayley struck out Mac with three pitches, Hayley and her friends could stay in the sandlot while David and his friends leave. If she didn't strike out Mac, she along with her friends would have to leave the sandlot while David and his friends stayed.

        Mac accepted the challenge without any feedback from his friends. David and the rest of their little team flipped when he did so, they wanted a say in what challenges he accepted. They were also worried that Mac might miss all three pitches and lose the bet. But Mac convinced them that he was a man and that he could show Hayley that girls can't play baseball.

        When Mac stepped on home plate, he got in position, lifting his bat in the air as his friends stood on the sideline to watch. Hayley got in position too before underhand pitching the baseball as hard as she could. Mac just watched Hayley, not noticing when she pitched because he blinked.

        "Come on. Pitch it already." Mac said, lowering his bat. Penny, Hayley's blonde friend showed Mac the baseball that was wedged in her glove. "I call time. What the hell was that? Come on. That was totally illegal, you can't do that!"

        Mac was complaining on how Hayley pitched. He saw her swing her arm, but didn't see the ball get thrown out of the glove, so he thought that she was just practicing. But Mac also thought the way she swung wasn't the way everyone else usually pitches in baseball. Mac stomped over to his friends and they right away started complaining on how he didn't even swing to hit the ball. Mac tried to defend himself but Tarquell and Sault kept bothering him about it.

        While they were talking, Penny went up to Hayley and her other friend Jenny and they turned their backs on the boys, starting to talk about them. Hayley, Jenny, and Penny were in their uniforms that read 'Diamond Diggers' in the back of their uniform shirts. Mac read what the shirt said and whipped back around to his friends.

        "How was I supposed to know that they were a professional softball team?" Mac exclaimed. "And that they're in the best softball team ever? Diamond Diggers? Samantha Rodriguez made that team and co-coaches it!"

        Tarquell shook his head. "You go back out there, she'll mow you down like a summer daisy."

        "What are you now, a poet?"

        Saul spoke up saying that his mute little brother, Sam, thought that pitching underhand was a violation of the baseball rules. Mac knew that he wasn't the only one who thought that way.

        "Hey!" Mac called out to the girls. "You can't do that underhand pitch thing. It's against the rules of baseball. I'm just telling ya'."

        The girls turned around to face them as Penny said, "No it's not. There's no rule against it. So it's legal, and fair." Penny along with Jenny and Hayley giggled and bumped hips.

        Mac realizes that she's right and nods, smiling a little. "Oh. Okay. Thanks."

        After a few moments of silence, David exhaled deeply and took the bat from Mac's hand. He decided that he was going to pinch hit for Mac. He knew that what he was going to do was legal and fair so Hayley couldn't do nothing about it. Hayley pitched and David hit the ball went over the foul line. Over and over again, Hayley pitched and David kept hitting the ball into the foul line. After a bunch of pitches later, Hayley decided to suggest to David if he wanted to call the game since it was going to get dark. David accused her of being tired but both Jenny and Mac agreed to the idea of holding off the game until the next day. David didn't want to until Hayley's mom called her for dinner and David's mom called him for his bath. They all left the sandlot and agreed to continue the game the next day.

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