the end

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before i start explaining what's going on, i want to apologize for this not being an update. and for this being the last time i will ever be updating this book. 

yes, i have decided to discontinue these short stories for good.

i don't have any more ideas to continue writing for you guys. i wrote the sandlot orphan when i was in my pre-teens going onto my teenage years which is why the story is poorly written and why i don't have any more ways to prolong and extend this little world i created with sam. 

everything i wanted to type out and post is out, even though there were some things i wanted to create but didn't have the energy or mindset to do so.

thank you for this amazing time and for still reading, voting, and commenting either on the sandlot orphan or on this deleted scenes portion. i love you guys so much.

this is not the end of my writing 'career' so check out my spider-man fic silent love and keep an eye out for more stories. i have so much in store that i can't wait to show.

xo, Keillyn

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