Hold Up!?

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^Kevas dress^

(POV changes! Beware!)

Alpha Lion POV

"Hello I'm the Silver Maiden and you are?" The woman in front of me asked.

I blinked.

Once..twice..three times.

Yup she's real.

"Are you going to speak doggy?" She smirked.

That snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I am an Alpha and you should show me some Respect!" I growled.

She laughed and it sounded like the twinkling of bells." listen here and listen good.." She circled around me dragging her nails across my back.

"Nobody and I mean nobody gets my respect unless they earn it!" She growled lowly,Pulling her hand back.

"What do you want from my lands."I tried keeping her in my sight but she manages to flash behind me.

"Why that is simple" she smiled.

I gulped. Knowing this can't be good.

"Well?" I growled. She twirled once more from her place behind me and hooped her arm with mine.

"I want to stay on your lands for a while, you know just to experience the whole living in the jungle theme." She joked shaking her fingers in front of my face.

"No!" I roared.

She tsked and stepped behind me brushing her lips across my ear. "Sorry Alpha but I wasn't asking, I was telling you." She whispered with malice dripping from her voice.

I internally groaned.

"Fine! And once your time here is over you have to leave and not come again."

She laughed but it didn't carry and amusement in its depths.

"That depends dear Alpha." She purred looking around the woods.

"Depends on what?" I reasoned. Ready to be rid of the vixen.

"That depends if I like what I'm feeling when the time comes, but no promises. Now shall we.." She nodded towards the path to the pack house.

I nodded grimly.

Keva POV

I honestly think that I'm going to enjoy my time here. I smirked when I noticed that I wasn't dressed properly for my grand entrance.

"Excuse me Alpha, could you stop for a second I have to do something real quick." I smiled innocently and flashed to my apartment without waiting for his reply. I ran to my room and threw open my closet for something to wear.

"Pants?no..Skirt?no..hmm" I mumbled looking at my apartment sized closet.

My eyes scanned over just about everything then stopped on my dresses. And that's how my hunt began. I grabbed a pure white dress and let my hair down into soft waves, applying dramatic cat eyes with a tinted red lip and winked in the mirror. Grabbing my heels I gave the mirror one more look over  and quickly threw my silver mask on and flashed back to Lion.

"Took you long enough-" he turned around and eyed me up like a piece of candy.

" Holy Shit" he mumbled under his breath.

"Like what you see?" I snickered.

He snapped out of his staring and grumbled under his breath and kept walking. Once we reached the pack house the children stopped running and ran over to us.

"Alpha!" They cheered.

Lion smiled down at them and kept walking.

I followed until I was stopped by a little girl with bright red pig tails pulling on my skirt. I smiled down at her, and leaned in to be at her eye level.

" Are you a princess?" She whispered.

I knelt down and pulled her close and whispered into her ear.

"Yes, but you mustn't tell anyone." I smiled.

She gasped and held her pinkie out.

"Pinkie promise!" She cheered.

I giggled.

"I pinkie promise"

I went to stand and followed lion when she suddenly tackled me into a hug.

"Whats your name?" I asked.

"I'm Annabell! Whats your name?" She asked.

"I'm princess Keva but I must go, see ya later alligator!" I waved and took long strides trying to catch up with Lion.

" But I'm a wolf silly" she yelled from behind. I laughed and slightly ran trying to catch up with Lion,
I found him at the main entrance and couldn't hold in my smirk.

"Soo who exactly is the guest that you mind linked us about." I heard someone say.

"Do we know her!" Another one asked excitedly.

"Is she hot!" Someone else asked.

I stepped out of my spot and I walked up to Lion.

Next to him stood the three stooges and the beta.

"Hey boys!" I chirped and watched their faces turn into a look of pure horror.

" YOU!" They all shouted.

Then their faces morphed into pure hatred.

And that's when..

Well I hope you enjoyed, I had regionals Friday and individuals Saturday! Soo let's get our updates back in check! And you guys keep those votes up!



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