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                   Zeek POV

"Alright we need to come up with a plan on how to find my son, does anybody have any clues as to what is going on." I spoke calmly but hotly.

The guards and my father shifted.

"Sir, we found some photos taken on the eastern border of our territory." A guard spoke up.

"And?" I growled.

"'t catch anything but a tattoo that is barely recognizable." He replied timidly.

He handed me the photo and I stared at what was suppose to be a tattoo.

"Fucking eh! What the fuck am I suppose to go off of" I sighed a deep breath feeling my temper rise.

"Alright so your telling me that all I have is a distorted picture to go off of?" I growled.

"Sir the lun-"Mark my guard warned barging into the room.

"What are-"

"Where the fuck is my son!" My mate screamed walking through my office doors.

"Honey this is a grou-" her eyes flashed to me.

"If this was a fucking group meeting,then I should be in here. Now I want all of you off your lazy ASSES and go look for my SON!"

Keva screamed and the men scattered.

I slouched in my chair and groaned.

"And you!" She growled.

"Me!?" I shot up quickly.

"Yes you! If i knew that your fucking pack was this weak I wouldn't of have had mated with you!" She growled.

Her eyes flashed Liquid Silver and I knew her wolf was taking over.

"What did you say?" I growled.

Her eyes turned even brighter.

"I said that its your fault that your pack is weak." She smirked.

I felt her own alpha power leaking off of her and frowned.

I stared her down waiting for her to submit. And to my surprise I was the first one to submit.

" I'm leaving." She said seriously.

I furrowed my brows in a thoughtful way.

"No your not." I smirked.

She walked to the door and I yelled for her to come back using my alpha voice.

"I Alpha Zeek Xavier Zephyrus command you to stay on my territory." I grinned when she stopped

That was until she turned around.

I felt my face turn white at the murderous look on her face.

"I Keva Viddena Knowles reject you Zeek Xavier Zephyrus as a mate. I also command you to bow down." Her voice boomed.

I tried resisting but my body on its own, decided to do as told. I fell to my knees feeling the shock and recognition of what's happening.

"You will not talk to me as a mate anymore for we are through. You are now below me therefore, we are through. No man controls me and you just tried. When I find MY son he belongs with me." She said calmly but viciously.

I gulped not knowing Who the women was that stood in front of me.

"My stuff is packed." She finally said.

She flicked the nonexistent dust off her shoulder and sneered in my direction.

"See you later Alpha Zephyrus." She smirked and flashed off.

Wasn't expecting that, I know I surely wasn't. It just came to me while I was watching ride along 2.

And thanks to BeckyBaker2 for telling me to spice things up.

Any-who, I made this short but I promise to try to get another one in before tonight.

😘Vana Voo😍

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