Luna Rules Alpha Drools!

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^Keva Room^

Keva Pov

"Rinnnngggg" my phone chimed, I rolled over and answered the phone bout bothering to look at the caller Id.

"Whello?" I grumbled into my phone sounding muffled.

"Where are you!" Somebody shouted. I pulled the phone away from my ear and grimaced.

"Matesss house." I said sleepily snuggling deeper into my feathered pillow.

"What!" He shouted.

"Mates house dumbass!" I growled kicking the covers off my legs and sitting up.

"Well I'm coming to get you!" I pulled the phone away and blinked at it on amusement.

"Oh really?" I grinned knowing he's getting his tail all ruffled.


"Why the hell are you calling at.." I looked at the screen feeling my anger rise again.


"We couldn't find you and your room was cleaned out." He said casually as if we're talking about the weather.

"Well are you happy now! I'm at my pack I'm a Luna now!" I smirked knowing that'll tickle his pickle.

"Not for long" he growled and hung up.

I blinked and stared at my screen.

"Well that was a little weird?" I said to myself, damn Alphas and their bipolar attitudes.

I gazes around my room and actually took in my surroundings.One wall was glass and was more like an huge fish tank with cute fishes and coral reefs.The other walls were white with a brown border behind my king size white bed.

I yawned and stretched my legs up into the air feeling like an airborne cat.

Thanks alot Lion, my day just started off shitty,He surely knows how to mess up a girls sleeping pattern.I jumped up and headed for the shower,I quickly dressed into a white Aztec dress with a pair of gold gladiator sandals that went up to my knees.

I jumped up and headed for the shower,I quickly dressed into a white Aztec dress with a pair of gold gladiator sandals that went up to my knees

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I threw my hair into a quick up side down French braid then made a giant bow with my hair on the top of my head. I quickly threw on some mascara and some cherry lip gloss and smiled.

"I look good!" I grinned.

I quickly threw on some gold bangles and headed down stairs to make some breakfast for the pack.I pranced around the kitchen excitedly looking to see what all I could make.Let's just say in the end I decided on eggs,bacon,sausage,ham,toast,pancakes, waffles and grits with oatmeal.

I plugged my phone into the doc and jammed out to some music and danced along to the songs.Thirty minutes later I start setting the tables and quickly cut up some fresh fruit for a fruit salad.

I dusted my bedazzled lacy apron off and cleaned up the kitchen.By the time I finished the pups came running down with the omegas looking frazzled.

"Breakfast!" The children shouted and ran to the tables.

I laughed.

"Okay, I need all of you to stand in line right here. Then tell me what you want on you plate and then you need to go sit down at the kids table, okay!" I smiled grabbing the plastic plates.

"Yes Luna" they cheered.

So that is how my last twenty minutes went.

I enjoyed sitting at the kitchen island watching the children laugh and giggle without a care in the world.I did have to get up a time or two to help somebody cut up waffles or a pancake.The kids were finishing up, when the big dogs started coming down stairs.

"Breakfast!" The men shouted.I rolled my eyes and smiled,They are seriously worse then the children.

They men rushed to the food when I yelled at them.

"Ladies First boys!" I shouted.

The girls snickered and ran to the front of the line while the men glared daggers.Once everybody was seated I made a plate and sat at the head of the table.

"So where is Mr.Alpha?" I asked.
His Beta Dylan.

"Sleep?" He asked more like a question.

I smirked.

"I'll get him!" I piped up.

"Ohhh no Luna I got...." I cut him off with a glare.

"I me..a..n it!" He stuttered out.

"Great!" I clapped my hands.

"I'll be right back." And with that I flashed to the living room.

Zeek layed on his stomach with his arms under his head.I smile at my mate then an idea came to mind.

I carefully and slowly crawled onto his back. I dragged my nails down his back then ran them back up. Loving the way he shuddered under my touch.I felt him stir and his muscles of his bare back flexed,making my very own wolf stir.

"Mhhm" he groaned.

I softly giggled and peeked over his shoulder to see his eyes slowly opening.

Zeek POV

I felt my wolf stir in my dream and it woke me up.

And when I woke, I wasn't expecting to be getting a massage or better yet my mates bright silver eyes sparkling in amusement.

"Keeva, what are you doing?" I groaned.

She laughed and scooted up on my back so her shoulders matched to mine.

"Nothing, I just came to tell you breakfast is ready." She smiled. She ran her soft little minx hands up my back and ran her nails down.

"Keeva, I'll be in there in a bit." I moaned.

she pouted and bit her lip.

Holy Hell! Is she trying to kill me?

I felt my wolf stir and knew he wanted to take our mate now, I coughed trying to hide my growl.

"Fine..give me a little time." I mumbled.

"Time for what?" She asked innocently.

I looked into her eyes and seen that signature gleam she gets, when she's up to something.

"A shower." I grumbled.

"But you had a shower last night" She stated.

"Well...I have a little visitor." I smirked going along with her game.

"Really and where is this visitor." Amusement sparkled in her eyes. I smirked and flipped us over so my visitor was between her thighs.

She smirked and I felt like I lost the game.

"Why Alpha, I have already met a similar visitor but I must say he was a wayyy bigger." She smirked and grabbed my friend.

I groaned and bucked into her touch.

She laughed and pushed me off, hopping out from under me and making her way towards the kitchen.

"Breakfast is ready." She chirped over her shoulder swaying her hips.

Luna one
Alpha zero


Thanks to all my voters,comments, readers and followers.

😘Vana Voo😜

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