Lies and more Lies...

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3rd person

Keva was know as a natural born killer..The prophecy always said that when the smoke is at its highest peak it shall disperse and reek havoc on those that cause harm upon others and it's loved ones..

The girl with the liquid silver hair let out a murderous growl that shook the ground and uprooted the trees nearby. The warriors stood their grounds but hobbled as they tried to keep their stances.

" Why?" The maiden whispered as she took a couple steps towards the ragged Alpha. The man raised a brow and took a few steps back, almost seeming a little hesitant in his actions.

" You..Rejected..Me" The man whispered with a hint of fear in his voice. The maidens eyes started to shine, but it wasn't tears that streamed down her face..

It was Silver.

The women fell to her knees and the sky darkened. Her men went to reach for her but her mate shook his head and the men stayed in their rightful places.

"You made a mistake." Was all she whispered.

Lightning shattered across the dark grey sky.

"Keva honey calm down" her mate rubbed her shoulders but quickly removed his hand as if he had been zapped.

" You failed to relies that I'm not one to take death calmly. But what gets me the most is that you had the audacity to bring my pup into this and hand me his dead corpse?" She floated to her feet and smoke arose from the ground.

The man placed the dead child on the ground and slowly backed away.

" Why bring a dead child, when you'd have nothing left to bargain your life with?" The girl growled and her body disappeared, leaving a cloud of smoke behind in her wake.

" where did she g-" the man suddenly flew forward and his head whacked off the giant pine tree.

"You see, the last bit of my self control is demolished and all that is now left is a shell."

'It shall reek havoc on those that do wrong upon it'

The prophecy was right, but this time there was no going back for the women that was once known as a queen and loving mate. For now in her shoes stood a stone cold killer and as many would say..

The Goddess had risen, and she's ready to be known.


Sooo I'm really trying, school and everything else is really kicking my ass.

So what do y'all think?🤔

😘Vana Voo ❤️




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