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Keva POV

"What did you say?" I stumbled down the stairs and shakily raised my pistol. I didn't care that this was my mate and I didn't care if I killed him at this point.

A lie is a lie and I'm not going to wait around and listen to this bullshit.

"He's alive and healthy." I dropped to my knees and wiped the river of tears from my face.

" how could you." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. His faces showed many emotions but the one that stood out the most was guilt.

"You've been on the run for months. I've used my trackers to the best of our ability, yet you still avoided any possible slip up." I sobbed and held my hand up.

" take me to him.." I whispered but it was barely audible due to the heavy rain that was hitting the marble floor.

His eyes widened but he stood from his spot and nodded.

"The car is waiting out back" I sighed and raised myself off of the floor and nodded.

'For once in my life I'm absolutely speechless'

I felt my hand being grabbed and the gun that was clutches tightly in my hand, loosened and I was directed out the door. My body was on autopilot and I sat back and just slowly let everything sink in.

'My Son is alive?'

'This whole time nobody dared to speak a word of such treason?'

'Wasn't he as much my son as he was his?'

'Did my feelings not matter?'

'My son is alive.....'

'My SON is alive...'

Then it hit me, as if I've been hit by a Amtrak train..


I felt my nails start to grow and I knew at this point of rage that my eyes were shifting from light grey to a molted silver.

"Luna we're here." I snapped my head up and slammed the door open ready to see if what I'm being told is actually true.

I reached the grand door and right when I was about to turn the handle the doors were thrown open and in front of me stood Shelly.

"Keva?" She reaches her hand out towards my face and I stood frozen.

'Is this a dream?' I wondered. All the pain and all the suffering is all coming to an end. And I knew that right when I threw myself into her arms that this wicked dream was becoming a reality.

"Shelly!" I cried and squeezed her tight.

We cried together for a couple minutes until I heard a faint cry.

My head snapped up and my wolf whimpered.


Shelly noticed my body stiffen in her grasp and she nodded towards the grand stairs.

"Go get your baby." She sniffled. I smiled and kissed her cheek lightly and bolted for the stairs taking two at a time and turned down the hallway to the royal wing and stopped before my bedroom door.

I steadied my breathing and counted to ten.





'Breath Keva you can do this!' Kitana yipped in my head ready to see her pup. I smiled and slowly wrapped my hand around the knob and with one final push the door opened slowly. And laying in the middle of the California king, laid my beautiful baby boy.

"My Noah" I whispered.

He cries instantly stopped and his beautiful silver orbs snapped in my direction. I took a step closer not believing my eyes and stepped forward with caution.

"Please don't let this be a dream." I repeated like a mantra. The little prince reached his tiny balled up fist in my direction and smiled.

I rushed over to the bed and scooped the little bundle up and nuzzled my nose into his tiny neck.

"Mommy is home baby, Mommy is home"

Zeek POV

I watched as Keva bolted up the stairs and turned to my mother.

"Well how did it go?" She smiled. I looked over to some of my beaten and battered men.

"It was rough, but our mission is complete." I sighed and ran my hand through my overgrown locks. She studied me and nodded her head.

"Alright everyone, it's time for you all to head back to your respective rooms. But first I need those that are injured to head over to the pack doctor and get patched up." The men groaned but followed her orders.

I made my way towards the stairs when my mother broke through my thoughts.

"Zeek, I think it'd be best if you let Keva bond a little with Noah before you barge into the room." I tightened my fist and glared at the ceiling.

"Are you telling me to stay away from my mate!" I growled. I felt her hand grip my shoulder and she swiveled me around to face her.

" I am and as your mother you are going to obey by my command and take your ass up them stairs and sleep in the guest bedroom." I was to exhausted to sit here and argue so I made my way upstairs and plopped onto the queen size bed and let sleep over take me.

'My family is now complete'


I know this took me forever and honestly I have no excuse for y'all except I'm being lazy and love reading all of y'alls books😂

So y'all need to stop writing Amazing books😉

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Vana Voo♥️🐶

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