Kept Promises

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( Sorry for spelling errors!)

Zeek POV

"Alpha its time." Kale my personal guard mind linked.

I sighed and stood from my chair and paced the room.

"Alright, keep the camera rolling and tell me what all she knows." I spoke calmly.

"Yes sir." I stared out the window and thought of the past events that have occurred and sighed.

What was once a happy and loving family. Is now just a shell of what it use to be, my mate is everywhere and my gone.

I pressed my head against the cool glass and felt my head throb.

I let down my walls mental walls down and my men were asking questions left and right.

'Alpha we have a tiny little problem.' Kale said timidly.

I breathed in deeply and sighed.

'What is it this time.' I mind linked back and I walked to my desk and plopped into my chair.

' the cameras are out and we can't watch her interrogation.' Kale growled.

I chuckled.

'That sneaky mate of mine covered the cameras. She's smarter than she actually looks.'

'Then what do you want us to do Alpha'

'Let's go pay my little mate a visit' I smirked.

Keva POV

"Alright so I'm only going to ask one more time. Who did he sell my son to!" I growled.

She cackled.

"Seriously Keva! You only think about your self and not about The others around you." She spat.

I brought the butt of my pistol and brought it down on her knee.

She whimpered in pain and winced.

I laughed and kicked her chair over.

"My mate." She cried.

I grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled her chair up so we were face to face.

"What was that?"  I purred.

"My mate" she said louder.

"What about him?" I raised my brow.

"Alpha Lyon sold your son to my mate." She sighed coughing up blood.

I nodded my head and turned on my heels and faced the door.

"What's your mates name?"

"Alpha Vix" i smirked at the name.

I turned and looked her in her eyes.

"Alpha Vix or should I say my Ex lover." I laughed.

She growled and tried lashing out but I stopped her.

"Don't worry sweetheart he was lacking in the lower department. If you know what I mean."

I opened the door and slammed it shut.

My men eventually followed and gave me the look.

"Well what do you want us to do with Vanessa?" One guard asked.

I looked back to the door that led to the room with the beaten girl.

"Let her be I'll have Alpha Zephyrus take care of it." My men nodded and parted ways.

I strode to my room and hopped into the shower. Thinking about the times that me and Alpha Vix had together.

'Flash Back'

" Keva are you sure." Vix smiled.

I nodded my head

"Yeah, but if I want out of this deal I can just walk out right?" I asked.

He nodded.

I looked up at the stars and bit my lip.

"Alright I'll do it." I smiled.

He picked me up and spun me around the field full of Daisy's and kissed my lips softly.

" you'll soon be my wife and the future Luna of this pack." He smiled happily.

He pulled me to the ground and brought me close to his side.

I snuggled up close to his chest and listened to him talk about all the amazing things we could do together. How we could possibly conquer the world together.

But that was the thing about him.

He knew what I possessed and he knew that the pups that I would bear would be powerful.

That's all he ever talked about.

"I was thinking that we could take over packs so when our child is born he can have space to roam." He sighed rubbing his hands slowly up and down my arms.

I grunted.

"Keva, you know this is all going to happen eventually." I grimaced and quickly hid it with a smile.


I sighed and grabbed a soft white towel.

I walked to my closet and quickly dressed in a pair of all black tights and neon green sports bra with mismatched socks and turned the TV on.

After a while my brain ran back to Vix.

Shortly after the proposal he announced me as soon to be Luna.

And on the day of our marriage I ran off without saying a word.

I Kew that I had a mate somewhere and so did he. And I also knew that if we had a child it wouldn't be raised with love.

So I decided to leave and never look back.

I started my own company that is now a Multi-billion dollar company. And I have everything that I could dream of.

Except for one thing.

My Son.

With that thought on my mind I laid back down and zoned out while the TV ran and fell into a deep sleep.

Zeek POV

"So she knows where Noah is located." I muttered more to myself.

Kale nodded.

I leaned my head up away from the hidden holes in the wall and raked my hands through my thick ruffled curls.

"Alright, were going to get Noah tonight. Secretly and I only want a little in and out team." I commanded.

I watched as Keva opened the door and gave orders then walked off towards her room.

I looked back at my men and smiled.

"I coming with you guys"

Sorry its short but today I graduated highschool!! 🎉🎊🎊🎉🎊👏👏🙌🎆🎆🎈
(Whoo Hoo!)

Only 13 years of college at least and then I'll officially be a Cardiac Surgeon!!

Sooo..I'll update again some other time. But I have decided to keep this story going. Bye!!

😘Vana Voo😍

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