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Knowing who your true friends are really sucks..
Because I'd rather be oblivious to every fiber of my unsatisfactory being,
Because to every single person who never gave a damn, I did,
Because billions can't make up a damned thing when one can't be saved from their torture and pain,
Brought up from thorn bushes, and ripped apart by everything on it's unfortunate path,
And you have the audacity to say you care,
As you stick needles into your dolls,
Leaving scars on my back, so you can act like you had no part in my pain,
It doesn't matter,
They're only scars,
Bleeding memories and tattered dreams that seep into my soul,
Painting it black so that my mind's so messed up, that no one can understand what's wrong,
And I'm done trying to explain my feelings, because it doesn't matter,
I'll just sit here and smile as you pick at my brain,
It's only my definition you're tampering with,
And I don't care if I can't feel anything anymore,
I'll just write this down,
So you can wipe that shit smile off your face,
And be real for half a second,
And accept the fate that's been laid ahead for you.

Thoughts From An Undead PoetWhere stories live. Discover now