Chapter 8

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Sparrow woke up in the strange smelling den his pelt bristling for a half second as he forgot where he was, but then quickly recovered as he remembered what happened last night. He sat up, blinking sleep from his eyes and stretching his legs and claws.
"Well your finally up." Leaf grumbled through her mouthful of prey which she clearly hunted while Sparrow was sleeping.
"Well your probably a night owl." Sparrow grumbled a tired retort.
"It's time for you to leave." Blue Jay's voice broke in as the large grey-blue tabby padded into the small den.
"A deals a deal, I'll start heading off." Sparrow sighed and flicked his tail.
Leaf glared at Blue Jay, "Can he at least stay for a squirrel?"
Blue Jay flicked his long blue tail and flattened his ears "Fine." He seemed to breathe out the word and looked down at his paws.
Sparrow's eye went from Leaf to Leaf's father and Sparrow just stood up and padded out, he could tell that daughter and father had a good relationship since Leaf was a kit and he didn't want to ruin it for them.
Leaf watched him go with a sigh, Sparrow knew this because he heard the sigh behind him but Sparrow kept padding forward the thought of him hunting for them was the only thing dragging him on.
When Sparrow made it to the top of the hill, he put one paw step on the way down but paused as he heard paw steps drumming the ground behind him.
He turned and saw Leaf running towards him, "Wait!" Her eyes were full of determination, Sparrow smiled at her determined look.
"What is it now?" Sparrow said, half smiling, half annoyed.
"I want to come with you."
Sparrow looked at her with a narrowed eye, "I don't even know where I'm going."
"That's why I want to come."
"Because your going somewhere and your not being coped up or protected by someone," Leaf said.
"Your not going anywhere." Blue Jay's deep voice broke into the conversation. His blue grey pelt showing through the bushes as he leaped into view, his giant white paws touched the ground with a soft thump like paws thrumming on stone.
"Why not? I need to go out and see the world!" Leaf said, her orange pelt bristled in surprise and protest.
"I'm not going to let you go explore the dangerous world with a stranger! You don't know what's out there!" Blue Jay said as he padded closer to his flame pelted daughter.
"I'm old enough to make my own decisions!" Leaf said, she flicked her tail.
"And I want to go with Sparrow," she added.
Blue Jay glared at his daughter, "You are my daughter and you do what I tell you. Now come on," he grabbed his daughter by the scruff and pulled her along.
"Yes father." She said, she halted and glared at her father scrambling from his jaws but still following him back to the den with her head hung, her tail flicking.
Sparrow watched them go, "That shecat's middle name is trouble." He said it with adoration and annoyance. "She is like the opposite of me. But I suppose she isn't too bad." Sparrow padded down the hill as the sun started peaking into the star filled sky, a smile on his face.

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