Terrors - Leo

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When I open my eyes, I see a mist. It has eyes, but no pupils. It doesn't seem to have a body, as if it's a dark fire spreading along the white wall. I'm in an all white room, or maybe it's a light grey. No door, no where seemingly to go. When I walk towards the mist, it doesn't seem to come closer, but I keep moving forward.

A smile stretches across it's face. I'm nervous, I don't know why, or what for, but I'm nervous. As if I'm about to sing in front of the world. I keep walking, then I hear a faint laugh, I look around the room, and the shadow is gone.

"Wait . . ." I realize I'm by myself, no one can hear me.

The room goes completely dark. White eyes form on the wall, big. I back up, feeling overshadowed. "You want me to come back after you making me go away?" It sounds like a mixture of voices talking at the same time, most male. Suddenly, I realize who the voices belong to. The Red Fang members that I killed. I can only remember because of their screams, or their grunts, or their breath being taken from them while they struggled to breathe.

"No," I shake my head, backing away from the eyes and smile. "No, stay . . . away." I don't think it'll listen to me honestly. The face comes down at me, and I duck with my hands over the back of my neck as if protecting it. 

I feel bumps, as if I'm driving a shopping cart and I just hit a pot hole in the road. I hit another, but I can't see what I'm doing. I open my eyes, I'm looking at a tiled ceiling, the lights hitting my eyes every so often. I see people in blue  walking next to me, maybe five of them near the table. Finally, "he's awake," Says one of the people, and they hurry and start to run with me along with them. I realize I'm on a table, looking like I'm in a operation table.

"What?" I ask, dazed. The table stops, and they start touching me.  Opening my eye lid and putting a light to it. They hit my knee with something, and it lifts up. They put a stethoscope to my heart. I'm given a breathing tube under my nose. I notice one of the . . . I see them as doctors writing things down as fast as this is happening on his clipboard. They turn my neck to the side, injecting something in my neck. A sharp pain spreads through me, but it leaves as soon as it exits my neck.  

A blue cover is put over my body, and they feel around my stomach quickly until they have a set of tools next to them.

"What are you doing?" I ask panicked, sitting up already. They pin me down and I stay down. A scalpel comes my way towards my stomach. I sit up, struggling to get off the table. The doctors hold me down, putting straps on over my body to pin me down to the table. 

When I feel the blade dig into my stomach, I scream, and I feel myself slowly drifting away. I struggle to breathe, but I can't reach for my stomach, as if it'll make the pain go away.

I inhale one more time, and I'm off.

"Jump! Jump! Jump!" I hear people chant, I open my eyes, and I'm standing on the edge of a cliff. I dare to look down, and holy hell am I high. I look back at them.

"No! Why the hell would I jump?" I question. Suddenly, I'm hit with a mixture of emotions.  You're nothing. Why are you still here? You're not important. You're not good enough for this world. You're ugly. You're fat. No one wants you around. No one will miss you when your gone. Well damn, I've never really felt this depressed before. I've never thought like this before. What the hell is happening?

I feel hands on my chest, and I stumble backwards into nothing. Nothing is there to cover my hard fall. I look down, and I see the dark dirt below me by hundreds of feet. I close my eyes, and I feel my head make contact with the ground. 

I see car head lights, and I just stand there unable to move my legs. I gasp as I feel the front of the car slam into my legs. 

I open my eyes, my arms are crossed over my chest. I try to move around, but I don't have much space to move around in. I'm buried alive. I pound on the coffin, but nothing happens other than dirt falling through the coffin, filling up the little space I have. 

I can't breathe.

I'm chocking. 

I gasp for breath as I sit up frantically. I look around the room. It's dark, just like the demon that consumed me. Not so fun dying, is it? . . . A voice says in my head. I cup my head in my hands.

"I'm losing my mind." I whisper to no one in particular. I look next to me, now I see Alex is fully awake and has her hand rubbing my back, looking down at the little space between us. She makes my breathing easier somehow, just her being here, me seeing her. 

"Are you okay?" She asks quietly, but drifting off on her last word. Concern was in her voice, though. I---for whatever reason--- blush. Not really, babe, but I'll live.

"Did you have a nightmare, too?" I ask, running a hand down my face. She shakes her head. I really don't think her staying in my room made them just go away, we're having these horrifying illusions for a reason. We're not toys, even though I'm sure what Sophia thinks of us. "Did I wake you up?" Alex shakes her head.

"I stayed awake to make sure you woke up. . ." I can hear her gulp. 

It's like she's scared to tell me, and I wish she's feel more comfortable telling me things. "You haven't went to sleep?" She shrugs. 

"For a short while, I fell asleep," she clenches her fists on her lap, "but I couldn't sleep and I wasn't feeling well, so I've been watching you to make sure your breathing was decent and you weren't choking. To make sure you weren't dying." I think for a minute. The things in my dreams, do they happen in real life? Though I think I'd already be dead. "The things you were experiencing were . . . not pleasant." She shakes her head. I simply nod.

"What time is it?" I ask, only to know if I should stay awake or not. Which I most likely will either way.

"Eight," She says after a moment, and she finally looks up at me. "I'll go to my room, if I stay in here too long they'll wonder where I am." She starts to crawl out of bed, walking towards the door. "Can you see if anyone is out there?" I do so, and she starts out the door. As Alex starts to walk out, I grab her wrist to stop her. "Something wrong?"

"You aren't leaving without this," I lean down quickly and capture her lips with mine. I can feel the smile she's fighting back under my mouth. She holds my cheek for a moment, which feels like forever. Okay, maybe a minute. 

"You caught me." She smirks. "And go put a shirt on before you go to the table, please."

"Sorry, jeez." I kiss her again, but she pushes me away telling me she has to go.

I start to wonder more about the dreams. More . . . in-depth. Sophia said they are dangerous, and some people don't even make it alive through the test. If it's in dreams, then how do they die? Maybe people won't wake up, maybe they will be trapped in the same nightmare, over and over again. People say dying in your sleep is the best way to die, but what if your mind is a hell? They you'll never escape it.

I laugh at my dumb thoughts. Hell, I'm never getting out of this.

Author's Note: Howdy y'all.

So, next couple chapters I'm literally just publishing. I wrote this in 2015, and when I publish them I try to look over them before I do for grammar and add things because, well, it's been a few years and I've improved. And this series is kinda a drag now considering I've improved a lot, so, here goes.

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