Chapter Nineteen

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~Grayson's Pov~

I am so screwed, what the hell was I thinking?! How could I tell my brother that I'm in love with his girlfriend? Then we had that hug fight and I said some really hurtful things to him. I can't believe I did that to my best friend, I'm so stupid. Now we're not speaking to each other, I feel bad but then again I don't. I'm glad I did it actually I mean how could I not develop feelings for Ash. She is such an amazing person and she has been through so much, she's just strong and not to mention beautiful. I could treat her so much better than Ethan, Ash deserves the best. I know she feels something toward me I see it when I look into her eyes. Besides she tells me everything and she cries to me when Eth isn't around. I mean she could just go into her room but no she comes to me and I'm the one who takes care of her.

The only reason I feel bad about what is going on is because she is being put in the middle of this whole damn war. She is right in shooting range and that honestly scares me. This fight could do some damage and she might get hurt. Don't get me wrong I love my brother but he can be a jerk sometimes and that's not what she needs. She needs someone to hold her and be gentle with her not someone who is going to get mad and fight with her. Can't he see she is already hurting enough but yet he wants to fight with her over the dumbest shit. I'm better than Ethan , I can give her everything while he gives her nothing. He doesn't deserve her at all.

"Mr. Dolan" yells my math teacher pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yes madam" I question looking at her. She gives me a stern look and says "I have been calling your name Greyson and this is the first time you have responded to it." I feel everyone's eyes on me as I sit at my desk. "Now that I have your attention would you like to answer this question on the bored or would you rather tell the class what you were daydreaming about during class" She questions with a stern voice. Her eyebrows are raised making her eyes bigger and she tilts her head to look at me above the bridge of her glasses. "I'll- I"ll answer the question" I say softly. "Good choice Mr. Dolan" she says as I answer the question. "Oh and I will be seeing you after school because you have detention" she says and looks back up at the bored. I groan softly and lay my head down on my desk.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know the bell rings dismissing us for our last class of the day. Then a thought pops into my head, since my car is in the shop getting fixed from when some kid threw a baseball and hit my windshield why don't I ask Ash for a ride home. After all she did drive here today since she had to stay behind for something. I walk out of class as quickly as possible and head straight for Ash's class that she should be leaving. I sped through the halls in order to get to her before Ethan but I was too late. There he stood right outside the door with her standing right next to him

Instead of walking up to them and having to deal with Ethan's Attitude I decided to send her a text.

Me: Hey Ash I have detention after school and since my car is at the shop I was wondering if you could give me a ride back home?

Ash: Ummm yeah sure that's fine just let me know when you're done and I will meet you there.

Me: Thanks Ash! I'll see you later then.

Ash: Okay. Have fun in class.

Me: Haha I will and you too.

I watch Ethan and as I send Ash those text, I don't think he knows what I was texting her because if he did he would come over here and start throwing punches. The look on his face was priceless though. When I sent to first text Ash looked at her phone then looked up at Ethan and spoke. I couldn't hear what she said but I know she told him I was texting her because right after she spoke Ethan's jaw clenched and he looked around the hall for me. We locked eyed once he found me, his whole body tensed up. I started to smile at his reaction but then that smile disappeared as he protectively snaked his arm around her waist.

I watched as they walked down the hall together, they stood so close to each other. All I could think was I wanted to do that. I wanted to know the feeling of holding her hand and in my arms.  Too feel her body pressed against mine, too hold her tight in my arms late at night, too taste her lips and feel how soft they were. I'm not worried though because I will someday soon. I will be capable of doing all of those things with her. I will be the one to call her mine.

   Sorry if this chapter is bad, it's currently 1:47am so I'm really tried and I have a bunch of issues going on in my life so I'm a little distracted. Oh and when he ask for the ride it's the day after the fight with Rebecca. Just trying to clear that up in case any one got confused. ~~

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