Chapter Twenty Two:

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~Ash's POV~

I almost sprint out of the door and down the stairs after that. I don't want to be near Ethan right now, he really hurt me. How could he think I would ever do that to him? Once I'm at the bottom of the stairs I make a b-line for the door.


"Ash?" is all I hear Grayson say as I run out of the door.

I throw my board down and put my head phones in; I need to tone out everything. Tears well in my eyes as I hear Ethan's words echo through my mind. I need to get my mind off of it, I need to get out of here and there is only one place for me to go. It's the only place I know is safe and comfortable. I can tell all of my secrets and they would never be told. I take a turn at the corner and head for the beach.

            I wipe tears away as I skate but it's no use they keep coming faster and faster. I'm so close to the beach that I can smell the water and hear the waves crashing on the sand. The sun has been replaced by its partner the moon and the sky is laced with diamonds as the twinkle brightly against the blue black sky. I sit in the sand and just look out at the water; the sound is like music to my ears. His words continue to run through my head it's like they are stuck on repeat and I can't stop it. The tears start to stream down my face again as I look at my feet. I feel the wind blow on my face and I just look up at the sky.

"Derek please I'm begging you....please tell me what I'm supposed to do."

There is nothing but dead silence and the wind blowing. I sigh and just try to think as I clutch his dog tags in my hand.

"I miss you please come back to me. You always found a way to help me and cheer me up and now that you are gone I...I...I'm struggling. Please just show me a sign, show me you are listening, show me you are here with me and I'm not going through this alone."

Just then the wind blows and instead of it being cold and salty it's warm and cozy. The scent of his cologne lingers into my nose. At this point I must be dreaming because there is no way I should be smelling it but I don't care. I'll take anything if it means he is here with me.

"Thank you so much" is all I manage to choke out before the tears take over again.

            It stays silent for a while as I look out at the water and think about the good times with Derek. He might be gone but he will forever live on in my heart and memories. I told him everything that happened tonight and I feel his presents here with me as if he was holding me in a hug just like he used to whenever I was hurting. My heart longed to be with him, just to see his face, be wrapped in one of his hugs; hell just hearing his voice would make me happy again.

            I look out at the water and just listen and enjoy the sounds around me. My tears have stopped but his words continue to echo.


~Ethan's POV~

I sit alone in my room now with nothing but my thoughts to comfort me. I need to find her and bring her back. I didn't mean to hurt her, I grab my shirt and I bolt down stairs.


"Hey what the hell happened up there? Ash came down with tears in her eyes. What did you do Ethan?!"

"Nothing look don't worry about it okay. It's my fault and I'm going to fix it" I say as I sprint out the door and hop in my car.

I know exactly where she is and I'm going to go get her. I feel horrible about what happened, I shouldn't have said that all I wanted to do was love her. I need to fix this; I need to fix my broken angel. The sign comes up that reads 'Beach next right' and I make my turn.


~Grayson's POV~

How could I just let her slip through my fingers like that? How could I just let her run out the door? He is making this so much easier though, and I'm loving it. He thinks that I couldn't hear part of their fight but I did. Pretty soon he is going to say something to push her away for good and push her right into my arms.


~Ash's POV~

I'm enjoying the silence till I hear a rumble, I look around and can't see anything but then the sound stops. I brush it off thinking that I might just be hearing things until I hear a door slam and footsteps approaching. I look back up at the sky then back at the water because I already know who it is.



I turn and to see Ethan standing on a small ridge looking at me. His eyes were red and puffy like he has been crying.

"What do you want Ethan" I say sounding annoyed.

"Can we talk please?"

I nod my head and wait for him to continue.

"Ash I am so sorry for what I did. I never ment to hurt you I was just so mad at Grayson that I took it all out on you. You know that I would never try to hurt you, please baby try to understand and see how sorry I am."

"Ethan questioned my love for you. You thought I would pick your brother over you. Can't you see how much I love you?"

"I do now please baby girl I'm begging you to please forgive me. I will never question your love again. Please Ash....please forgive me."

            At this point I don't know what to do, my head says leave and don't look back but my heart is saying stay and forgive him. I don't know who I should listen to anymore. I look at Ethan and his eyes are pleading for me to forgive him. At that moment I know what I need to say and it is going to shatter me more to say it.

"I love you Ethan more than anything in this world but right now I don't know if I can forgive you."

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