Over Protective

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The next morning when I woke up I saw Optimus's holoform sitting in a chair right next to my bed. I looked around to see if something had happened last night that I didn't know about but I saw nothing. Optimus had his head propped up with his hand and his elbow was resting on his leg. Propping himself against the wall in front of me was Ironhide, he on the other hand wasn't sleeping he was wide awake, as was Sideswipe. "What happened? Why are you guys here? Did someone try to kidnap me last night?"

"It sounded like that actually." Ironhide replied walking towards me and sat on the bed. Sideswipe came up as well with worried eyes.

"What happened? I don't understand." I spoke confused.

Ironhide laughed, "Well it happened like this, you had been in bed for around an hour and a half and suddenly we heard a blood curdling scream come from your bedroom. Optimus, Sideswipe and I all activated our holoforms and ran into the house. Your aunt and uncle along with Sam came running to your room with us. When we came in you were sitting straight up in your bed with your eyes wide open. Sideswipe when to touch you and you threw a fist and hit him square in the nose. I called out your name and you looked around, closed your eyes and was asleep."

I looked at the three of them, Optimus was still sleeping, "Are you okay Sides?" I asked.

"I'm fine, though you did give a pretty good punch. It caught me off guard." He replied with a smile.

I then looked at the sleeping Optimus and asked, "Did he stay up all night?"

"Most of it at least, we all took turns and he was bound to determine to take the longest. He didn't want to close his eyes for anything but near dawn he fell asleep but he wouldn't leave your side for anything." Ironhide replied looking at their leader.

"What you guys witnessed last night was a night terror...my mom had them when she was little, I had them when I was a baby but in the past few years I've been sleep walking and having night terrors. I hate it." I replied clearing up some questions that they might have.

"It's genetic? So these happen frequently?" Ironhide asked.

"I don't know, I sometimes wake up in the bathroom shaking uncontrollably and don't know why. I can never remember my night terrors. A lot of people can't. Only fragments sometimes."

Ironhide gave a sad smile and replied, "I'm sorry you have to go through this. Is there anything they can do?"

"Medicine but it's very addictive and I would have to get 8 hours of sleep...which is near impossible to do when you're a college student." I responded.

Ironhide nodded understandingly and slowly got up from my bed. I then focused my attention on Optimus and slowly reached out a hand to put it on his arm. When I did though he jerked awake, he was startled for a moment until he focused his attention on me. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. What you had witnessed last night was a night terror...they happen out of the blue all the time. You never know when it's going to happen. I'm sorry I scared you guys, I didn't know what happened until Ironhide told me everything." I whispered.

Optimus rubbed his eyes with his fingers and stretched. "Why does it happen though?" he asked.

"Genetic, my father slept walk and my mother had night terrors. I just got two ends of a stick and got these two sleep disorders." I yawned.

Optimus laughed at this and ruffled my hair a bit, "Looks like you're still tired."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"A little past 8:30am." He replied promptly.

I moaned hearing what time it actually was and groaned, "Well no wonder I'm still tired I didn't get much sleep last night. If it's okay with you Optimus I'm going to go to sleep again. Well at least try to."

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