The Heart Always Wins

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Sam grabbed a hold of my arm and started dragging me to the backyard with Ironhide right behind us. Everyone was there and I could feel myself get nervous and started to fall back, but as I did I felt something prop me up. I looked up and saw Ironhide bending down over me. He had his hand right behind me holding me up. "It's going to be okay."

"Easy for you to say, you're the same species." I murmured.

"Ratchet, smell her pheromone levels please." Sam announced. I saw Optimus jerk around quickly from talking with Bee.

"What's the rush Sam? Why do you wish me to smell her pheromone levels? Yours are just as high as they were when we first met." Ratchet announced sniffing the air.

"Don't smell mine! Her's!" Sam yelled. Ratchet looked at Sam with an arched metal brow and sniffed the air around me. I could tell he smelt my pheromone levels.

"There's nothing on her." Ratchet announced. I watched as Optimus started to walk over and I backed up again into Ironhide.

"Why are you sniffing her pheromone levels?" Optimus asked. "Her pheromone levels have been high for a while, there's nothing wrong."

Sam looked at Optimus and then at me. "Don't you get it Optimus! She likes you! Why do you think her pheromones would be acting up like this?" Sam exclaimed.

I felt my blood rush to my face as I started to blush. I stormed up to him before anyone could stop me and punched him right in the nose. "You think it's wrong to have a crush on an alien? At least he treats people better than lot of men. Why do you think I've been single for so long? Men either use me to get their ex-girlfriends jealous or want me for sex which I won't give them. You've been lucky Sam, you have Mikaela who loves you and you treat her well." I spoke looking towards Mikaela who looked furious at Sam. "You don't have any problems in your little life, it's just perfect."

I stormed off past Ironhide who was stunned at what happened. "I think she broke my nose!" Sam cried out.

"Jess wait. Jessica!" I felt the ground tremble beneath my feet as Ironhide came running up and stopped in front of me.

"Ironhide I want to be alone for a little bit. I've just been embarrassed by my cousin...I don't want people to see me like this...including you." I spoke, my voice quivering.

Ironhide sighed and transformed into his vehicle mode and opened the door, "I think you should talk about it, we'll go for a ride, I'll drive you talk. No one will bother us."

I bit my lip for a moment, and then decided to go ahead and go with him. Once I got in I saw Mikaela come running towards us. "Let's get out of here Hide."

With that said Ironhide started to drive off leaving Mikaela where she was trying to get our attention. Ironhide had turned the music on soft as we drove through Tranquility. I was trying to hold back my tears, I couldn't cry, not in front of Ironhide. I heard him sigh and say, "Jess, its okay to cry. I won't think less of you."

I had never cried in front of anyone since I was a little girl. My father wouldn't comfort me when I did; he was too busy with work. My mom was always hanging with her friends...I was stuck with the nanny. She was the one I grew close to and told her everything. But things changed when I got older, my parents let her go because I didn't need her anymore.

" you think having a crush on Optimus is wrong?" I asked still holding back my tears.

I heard him sigh as if he was thinking about what I had said, "Humans have always had fantasies of the great unknown and females including males have wondered if an alien landed if they would be able to fall in love with them. Our race is slowly dying out, we have very few females which would help us repopulate. To answer your question I do not believe it is wrong. It would be nice for us to get to know what love is again. The war has taken everything from us." I took in his words and it made me feel much better. "Now I want to ask you something, why have you not spoken to your father about boys in the past? A father is supposed to be very protective of his daughter now matter how old they are."

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