Packing For Nest

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The next morning when I woke up I found myself still in Optimus's arms. Apparently we both fell asleep together without even noticing it. I looked up at him to find him still asleep and sighed. I went to go snuggle back into his arms when I heard someone clear their throat. I slowly looked up to find Ironhide standing there with his hands on his hips. I couldn't help but feel my blood freeze in my veins. He was not happy about what he saw, but wasn't our fault...well technically it was our fault but we had fallen asleep not even realizing it. At least I was the conscious one and not Optimus at the moment. Of course he would probably be soon once I got up from his embrace.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked Ironhide quietly.

"Long enough to find you two still here and you not in your room, where you were supposed to be," Ironhide replied.

"Sorry, we were talking last night and I guess we were both tired I don't remember what happened next." I replied which seemed to anger Ironhide, "Get that thought out of your head Ironhide. You know he would never do that to me, he's your leader for crying out loud."

Ironhide grumbled and pulled me out of Optimus's arms in a flash. He started to take me to the front. I turned around to see Optimus still sleeping there. I felt bad for leaving him like that but I really had no choice in the matter. Ironhide had a firm grasp on my wrist and I couldn't get out of it even if I wanted to, which I did. He finally stopped in the front yard and let go. "We've been slowing down on your training, later on Optimus will teach you to sword fight once again and I'll be sure to watch to make sure you two do practice."

"About time we start training again. I was starting to get bored." I retorted.

Ironhide growled and ran towards me. I saw this and got into a battle stance. I knew I couldn't take him just yet. I was still learning how to fight! He was a professional, had killed Decepticons in the past. It was the survival of the fittest and it was true in any species, but in battle it was life or death.

Ironhide saw my move and went to hit his fist at me. I quickly fell to the ground to avoid getting hit. Ironhide looked down at me when he had noticed he hadn't hit anything. "You need to not be afraid to be hit when you're in battle. You will get hit and injured. You need to not be afraid of being hurt." Ironhide instructed and helped me to my feet.

"Yeah I get that, but you're not human and could easily crush my ribs with one blow. I can't take you down. Sure in the past few weeks I was able to take you down and all that stuff, but...I've encountered the Decepticons twice now. I know what they and you guys are capable of." I explained.

I watched as Ironhide did something and then said, "I have my programming of my holoform down to a human's strength. You need to learn to fight very well and with me you'll take down anyone who tries to hurt you."

"I want to learn how to fight Ironhide. I mean we've had great fun fighting in the past...but you do some major damage!" I exclaimed.

"We have this practice fight I will not bother you and Optimus for the rest of the week." Ironhide replied.

I thought on it and then looked at him. "Fine, but you hurt my burns I'm going to tear you apart."

Ironhide grinned an evil grin and growled, "I look forward to it." We charged at each other throwing punches. He threw a punch at my side which made go flying up in the air and landing on the ground with a loud thump. My burns started to throb and I slowly got up glaring at Ironhide. "Come on Jessy."

I growled when he called me Jessy. I liked Jessica and Jess, but Jessy was out of the question. I charged at him yelling which shocked him when I punched him in the abs and kicked him in the nuts. He actually doubled over. I went to give him a final blow when he gave me a left hook to the face. I went flying to the grass and held my mouth. Ironhide got up and laughed a little but realized I wasn't getting up and was holding my jaw.

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