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Parth is the one in the corner.
The calm, composed captain of the dream team.
The glue that holds all of them together.
He's supposed to be the justice, unbiased and able to think of everyone in a non conditional way.
But he isn't, because no one is that simple. He's had to learn it the hard way.
Parth prides himself on his understanding of human nature. He reads people just like he reads the books on psychology and human nature, rare books he finds in the library. He swallows the words and the emotions up, analyzing and testing them, till the words and the emotions become a part of him. Till interacting with others becomes an automatic process, with his charming smile and easy manner. Parth has a great ability to listen to others and make them feel cared for. Parth has learnt that.
What Parth hasn't learnt though, is that people are not equations.
Equations require guesswork and constant practice and then you can figure out a problem with complete accuracy if you've been at it for a considerable time.
People are like seasons in the time of global warming. You can try to predict them, think it will be a sunny day and then the next second you are drenched in a downpour.
And Parth has been drenched in a downpour more times than he can count.
Arpita's brother, his once dear friend, now a bitter man he used to know.
His own father, the man he looked up to, who left him and his mother to a life full of debt, poverty and misery.
Arpita, his sunshine, gone, lost forever. Death was a cruel god.
His own mother, lost in financial transactions and the strains of running a small business.
Rana. God that man who had once been like a brother to him. He went up in the smitterins of his own stupid greed and ambition
Sanyukta. His first friend in FITE. His best friend. Someone he thought knew the value of truth. Yet she lied. To him, to Randhir.
Parth sighed. Yes, he was friends with her again. But not as close to her as he used to be.
Randhir. His roommate. They'd had a complicated relationship. Randhir was a man lead by his moods. Clever as he was, the genius of FITE was another puzzle to Parth.
And then, her.
Parth closed his eyes.
Her name itself was a mark of his failure.
So many years spent studying books and people, he'd never really know who Vidushi was.
She challenged everything he stood for, she was his antithesis, the shadow to his daylight.
She'd unleash the animal in him, make him loosen up and stop worrying so much.
But she was so different, she wanted everything he didn't.
She didn't understand his need to be with the team , the need to please them. The need to NOT feel like a failure.
She did not understand sacrifice or hard work.
She did not understand that his duty was more important than anything.
She did not understand the stakes.
Parth had no money, no family except his mother, no friends who would be with him forever.
Parth had nothing but his honor, the only thing letting him sleep at night.

His value in this world was only as high as his honor.

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