xiv. Olympus.

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"Of course you can. You were always the boy with everything weren't you? You've never really had to do a day of hard work in your life-"

The sound of screeching tires made Parth pause.

" I did not ask to be born in the position I am. I did not choose to be our father's son, just like you. I didn't ask for the lifestyle I am living. How the hell can you judge me for something I have no control over? Your attempts at rationalizing your hatred are commendable." Disapproval dripped from Namit's words. "As far as hard work goes, how would you know, sleeping beauty? Hard work has different degrees and it takes courage to work on each level. I may have the money but with it there are also biases against me. In the years you have been sleeping I have built something of my own. My own business. A small one that takes pride in doing the work we love." Namit smiled.

"But you've got dad's company. Shouldn't you be the one to take it over?" Parth frowned.

"I did not want to. It was hard to get Dad to let me dance. To make him understand his own son wants none of his company. Nor his money. Whatever funds I raised, I did it myself. Dad was proud of me, eventually. But there were no easy days for me. Your mother never looked at you with utter disapproval or helplessness." Namit sighed.

"Maa." Parth's shoulder's slumped. "How did it... I need to know."

"Cancer." Namit offered. "She was in pain. She had lost you. The doctors said she had no will to live anymore. There were also financial burdens. Dad can explain it better than me."

"Whatever debt I owe him, I will pay it off." Parth gritted his teeth "Ma never wanted his charity."

"Parth. It's not charity. But if you want to pay him off you can do one thing." Namit sighed

"What?" Parth demanded.

"When he asks you to take his name and the family business, don't refuse." Namit smiled.

Parth had no words.

All his life he had thought Namit would be the one to inherit the Saxena empire. And here he was, giving it to Parth. Demanding Parth take it.

"I don't.." Parth began.

"You do. You care about people and what happens to them. You are responsible.You've always been more careful with money than I have ever been You know how to judge people fairly well. You've worked with machines. All you need to do is get an MBA, some solid work experience. Unless you are planning something else."

"I don't dare to plan anything anymore." Parth shrugged.

"Pessimism doesn't suit you, brother. It's not a bad life. Just a hard one. And you've never backed away have you?" Namit offered.

"Why are you helping me?" Parth asked. Confusion taking over him.

"It's not entirely selfless. Nothing in the world is. I'm helping you because it will help our family. A family you are a part of. No matter how you feel about it. You are my brother and I will help you. You would do the same for me. Family isn't just about blood Parth. I don't care if you are not my mother's son. I was not raised to hate." Namit started the car again.

Parth felt shame overtake him. It was his own mother who had alienated him and herself from the Saxenas.

"Will Dad accept me? And your mother?" Parth gulped.

"They never rejected you Parth." Namit sighed "I told them you'll be coming home."

There was a bitter taste in his mouth. Parth did not know how to feel.

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