viii. Narcissus.

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Dedicated to kahiliginger 

For her ever inspiring and beautiful way of writing characters. Her original stories are like a time machine. Culture, characters and social issue meld together to make you care. Check her out. She also writes beautiful Sandhir fiction.

His name was Aryan. And the way he looked at Sanyukta bothered Parth.

Parth knew that if Randhir saw Aryan looking at Sanyukta like this things would get messy soon. It would been with a hard look on Randhir's face. Then a cold smirk. Then Randhir would walk closer to the younger boy, his stance tailored to intimidate. The cutting words would come out next. Randhir was harsh when he got territorial. Randhir lost all control when something threatened his ego. And Parth was sure this Aryan would get nothing less than a punch to the face and a bloody nose. And Parth, to his own horror, found that he would very much enjoy that scene. Aryan himself hadn't seemed pleased to see Parth conscious. Sanyukta had introduced him to Aryan as a very close college friend. Parth had seen the boy's shoulders relax a little. As if he had eliminated Parth as a threat. Aryan was clearly making no efforts to conceal his intentions about Sanyukta. Parth wished Randhir was here so he would not have to endlessly fantasize about how Aryan's aquiline nose would look like when it was broken.

What had happened to him? Ever since the accident, Parth had abandoned deep breaths and attempts to practice Tai Chi. He'd barely touched upon thoughts of solving anyone's problems but his own.

The problem of where he was to go after he would be discharged.

He knew there was no mother to go back to. No more one room apartment that held all his life to return to. But Sanyukta had told him she'd had his things shifted back to her house, a room all ready and set up for him to recover in. She'd arranged for her father to give him a letter of recommendation when he was fit enough to work again. She'd assured him she would support him

Parth was partly relived. Calling up his father's side of the family was something he would rather never do. It had been postphoned. He only wished it would be postphoned infinitely. But he knew it couldn't. One day or another he would have to make that dreaded call. He had promised his mother.

Having the rest of his friends visit him was bitter sweet. Yoyo had his own shop now and was engaged to an enterprising and warm woman from his own village. The pride in his friends eyes when he showed them a photo of her and his shop made Parth a little teary eyed. Yoyo had changed in the past two years. And so had Sahil. Sahil had his own dance academy now. He had met his girlfriend Isha there. Sahil no longer looked scared to speak anymore. His laugh and his sassy introduction of Isha made Parth feel overwhelmed. A lot had changed. And he had been as good as dead to the world when it had happened. Vishad and Tanya came a day after the rest. Vishad was a lot more mellow and happy than before. And Tanya had a glow to her. "Three months pregnant" Vishad's proud face made Tanya blush. Things had changed beyond measure.

Sanyukta was as good as her word. She ensured he took his meals, medicine and physical. Therapy. Apart from him nearly dying in order to make Sanyukta hold tools again (Aryaan's plan) nothing interesting had happened in Parth's life. Parth ached to call Randhir and tell him he was alive and semi healthy and that Sanyukta was blameless. But he had meddled enough. According to what Sanyukta had said, Randhir did not wanted to be found. And for once, Parth was learning to respect the wishes of others.

Everything went like an well oiled machine.

Until the next morning.

Instead of Sanyukta holding his usual breakfast tray, there was a face Parth had thought he would never see again.

"Good Morning. My sister in law rarely has friends over. Ofcourse I wouldn't really know since I'm only here for a month but I hope you've been feeling better." Her tone was polite. She set the tray on the bedside table , her dark eyes revealing nothing.

"Do call me if you need anything. It's my duty to ensure you are comfortable." She'd left with barely another word.


Parth wasn't prepared for her to address him like that.

Like he was a stranger.


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