iv. Awake, Unaware

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The brightness of the room made his eyes close involuntarily right after he opened them.

It was too bright, too harsh.

But that was just how reality was. In your face and loud. Full of beeps and bleeps. And voices calling your name. Metaphorically poking at your skin.

"Heart rate...stable...his...consciousness....regained."

He could only hear snatches of unfamiliar voices and beeps.

The ringing in his ears stopped and he could hear them more clearly.

The orange haze in front of his eyes darkened to a brown. He intuitively opened his eyes. Sure enough, there was much less light in the room then there had been before. He could actually see the room he was in without his head spinning. Colors and stopped blending together and he could actually make out the white room with ...a heart monitor. He looked down to see a saline hooked onto one of his arms and hissed. He hated hospital rooms. They always smelt like cleaning phenyl and death.

"Can you hear me, Mr Kashyup?" the voice, though belonging to an unknown person, had a calming effect on him.

He looked up to see a man wearing a white coat and a reassuring smile.

"I can." Parth nodded.

"Very well. Can you please state your name and the year?" the man held out his hand. A woman dressed in white handed him a clipboard.

"Parth Viren Kashyup. The year..." Parth frowned "2015."

The doctor smiled "I'm sorry to alarm you but it is 2017. You've been in a comatose state for nearly 2 years. It is a miracle that you've retained coherence."

2017? Coma? Coherence?

"If...but..." his jaw went slack.

"I'm sorry to disturb you sir, but Miss. Sanyukta is here and she wants to see Mr Kashyup." The woman in white, a nurse probably announced.

"She's been visiting you without fail twice a day." The man, who most definitely was a doctor said.

"I'd like to see her" Parth smiled. That was Sanyukta alright. Caring and loyal to her friends.

She entered the room. Looking slightly tired, her lips curled in a smile when she saw him.


She was careful even in her hug, careful of his health.

Randhir was lucky to have her.

"Where's Randhir" the words left his mouth before he could stop them.

Sanyukta let go of him and took a step back.

"I keep forgetting you are in a coma whenever I talk to you." She sighed "A lot has changed in the past two years Parth"

Somehow, he had the feeling that the changes were not all good. Two years was a long time to be gone. To be unable to learn, to know, to understand and analyze.

There was nothing Parth hated more than not knowing. Or worse, not knowing the whole truth.

(Unfortunately for him, the whole truth required two sides of the coin. And Sanyukta was only one.)

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