v. Fill in the blanks

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"Parth" Sanyukta was, bless her, worried about him.
She always was. For everyone. No matter who they were or what they did. Sanyukta was always graceful in her manner, forgiving. Giving people second chances. Inspiring them. Helping them. That was why he respected her. Because she was everything Parth wanted to be.

"Sanyukta, you need to tell me the truth. You know how I feel about liars, don't you?" Parth's lips were pressed together in a frown 'I hate liars. And yet I dated...' He shook his head to clear those unwelcome thoughts.

"Promise me that you won't allow this to disturb you?" Sanyukta's eyes were wide and pleading. Asking him for a favor.

How could he deny the one person who cared so much about him despite everything?

Parth found himself nodding "I promise."

Sanyukta sighed and put a shaky hand on his shoulder "After..After you pushed the button. What do you remember?"

"Speed. Adrenaline. Excitement. And then. Crashing." Parth shivered involuntary. His body remembering the fateful day better than his mind could.

"We won." Sanyukta offered him a watery sort of smile. A smile that was full of pain and regret.

"I know we did. We had to. But what happened after that. Where's Randhir?" Parth demanded, his voice rising.

"Parth. Calm down. I'll tell you everything. Provided that you won't allow it to disturb you." Sanyukta put her other hand on the bed. Looking at her nails rather than at her friend.

"You promised to tell me the truth." Parth reminded her.

"I did. Randhir took the accident badly. It was a huge shock for him. For all of us. But you remember that he wanted to be the driver and I didn't let him? That anger and the shock didn't go well. He jumped to conclusions. Thought you were dead. Told me...told me to never show him my face again. And he left. I tried contacting him. Telling him you were in a coma. But he is... I don't know where he is." Sanyukta looked like she was holding back her tears.

Silence took over the room . Parth was too busy to piece together the information he had just received. Putting it together with what he knew of Randhir. What he knew of Sanyukta. And the answer hit him with the speed of a bullet train. Approximately.

He gulped, feeling the guilt and pain flood his insides.

"He blames you for it, doesn't he? He thinks you pushed the button. He thinks you caused my death." Parth bit his lip. "He hates you for it, doesn't he?"

Sanyukta did not answer him. But the silence said it all.

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