Chapter 2

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Unable to help yourself due to your already frayed nerves, you let out a blood-curdling scream.

You screaming only stopped when you felt hot breath at the crook of your neck.

"Hehehe... " insane laughter sounded near your ear. "Go. To. Sleep!"

A flash of silver followed. A flash of silver that was coming closer and closer to your heart.

You were truly shaken now, your earlier bravado all but gone, and your breath was coming out in gasps.

Just as you were closing your eyes, ready to submit your doom, you suddenly remembered that your soon-to-be murderer only had a hold of your left shoulder.

Your eyes flashed open again, this time determination and desperation replacing the fear.

Saying a quick prayer under your breath and hoping that your captor was a male, you used the heel of your foot to kick them right in the magic wand.

 Hearing a groan of pain in response, your captor's grip loosen on your shoulder.

Wasting no time, you quickly twisted to your right and ducked, punching hard at your captor's stomach at the same time.

This time, your captor bent double and dropped his knife.

You darted forward and picked up the knife, hands still shaking from the recent adrenaline rush.

"Take one step closer to me and I will stab you!" you shouted at your captor as he recovered from the blow.

He straightened and looked at you.

A glimpse of his face sent a loud gasp flying out your mouth and you almost dropped the knife.

His face was bleached bone white and leathery in texture. Strands of raven hair hung down to his shoulder, seeming surprisingly soft and silky.

Not to mention, he had absolutely no eyelids save for the charred skin around both his bloodshot eyes.

Eyes wandering to his mouth, you finally realised what smiling from ear to ear truly meant.

Both corners of his lips were literally cut all the way up his cheeks, almost to his ears.

It was still bleeding, thin streams of liquid red trickling down his cheeks and onto his hoodie, joining the splotches of red and brown.

Blood, you thought with a shiver of fear.

When he heard what you said, his lips, if it was even possible, stretched into a wider grin.

"Oooh, feisty, I like that in a girl. But," there he broke off into loud, psychotic laughter.

"I doubt you will even dare to stab me." He eyed your shaking hands.

Not wanting him to think you weak, you slowly lifted the knife and aimed it directly at him.

Your eyes now flashed with challenge and defiance.

It finally dawned on your assaulter that you were not going to give up. His smiled turned slightly savage.

"The name's Jeff. Jeff the Killer. If you are that eager to fight me, I'll take you on. But don't say I didn't warn you~" He said in a deranged sing - song voice.

He took another gleaming knife out of his hoodie's pocket and spread his legs apart in a fighting stance.

Just as he was about to lunge at you, a high-pitched voice rang out.

"Jeff!" It cried. "There you are."

An adorable little girl with large green eyes came out from a cluster of trees.

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