Chapter 13

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Here's the continuation from the previous chapters. Sorry I took so long.😅 I had a test to study for and my exams is coming up soon.

Meanwhile, at the creepyspaghetti mansion~

Jeff and D.L woke up with a pounding mother of all headache, groaning and wondering why they were locked in an embrace. They had yet to get their bearings when the door slammed open.

Slender swept in, towing with him the four dazed animatronics. "Children, I have just received information. (Y/n) had been kidnapped!" he cried, panic lacing his voice.

Since he was using his tentacles to shake everyone awake, he almost lost some to Jeff's knife and Smile dog's sharp canine teeth. Not to mention almost getting it raped by Offender. Do not ask how.

As everyone stretched and trudged back to their room to get ready for the day, Slender started pacing around the room while the four animatronics followed his movements until they all felt dizzy.

Slender had grown rather attached to you you see, he started thinking of you as a daughter.

"Relax Slender, she's probably fine. She's one of the strongest girl I know and I've seen Chica's strength." Bonnie assured him.

"Arr. Aye, the l'il lassie's gonna be fine a' right. Ye'll see. There be a thing 'bout the lass that seems intimidating, aye." Foxy piped in.

Meanwhile, at anywhere else...

The stare challenge was abruptly broken due to Zalgo throwing his head back and laughing.

"Oh (y/n), your my daughter alright. That anger of yours." He continued chortling.

You glared daggers at him. "How many times must I say it? I. Am not. Your daughter!" you yelled, and bit your bottom lip until you tasted a blood. You were just so enraged.

"Oh? Are you sure about that?" Zalgo raised his eyebrows.

"Did you not realise your eyes turn red whenever you feel strong emotions? Do you not have that feeling of breaking free of that weak,  pathetic human body?" he asked sardonically, voice getting louder to be heard over your wails of deny.

"Didn't you feel happiness as you basked in the blood of your victim? Your unnatural strength! Your bloodthirsty personality!"

Still you vehemently denied him, shaking your head hard enough till you felt as though your neck was going to snap. You knew it was true and yet, you could not help but shrink away from the crushing weight of reality.

"Don't do this to yourself (y/n). Don't resist your inner demon," his voice was gentle now.

Looking up, you felt a sudden wave of familiarity and surged up, hugging him. Your father.

Closing your eyes as you inhaled your father's sweet scent, you embraced the darkness, finally home at last.

Back at the creepyspaghetti mansion.

All the pastas were sitting on the sofa. Or in Ben's and smile dog's case, draped over the sofa. Tension was high in the air as everyone digested what Slender said.

"So...your saying that (y/n) got kidnapped? By Zalgo?" E.J's deep voice asked incredulously, breaking the silence.

"B-but w-w-why? What could h-he p-p-possi-bl-y wa-ant with h-her?" Hoodie stuttered.

Slender just shook his head mournfully, holding onto a crying Sally in his lap, not knowing what to do either.

All the pastas were somber, this was a serious matter. If Slender did not know what to do, they were all in trouble.

Well...all the pastas except...Jeff. He was stroking smile dog with one hand while holding the love of his life in another and whispering sweet nothing to it.

This happened to be his knife.

Out of the blue, Smile dog jumped up and ran for the door, barking merrily. This caused Jeff to stab himself in the other hand with his knife and yowl loudly, falling onto Kagekao.

Unfortunately, Kagekao was drinking a glass of wine ( he does not have a hangover, so...) choked when Jeff fell on him, spraying all the wine onto a very irritated Doctor Smiley.

Doctor Smiley, for reasons you do not want to know stabbed Pupeeteer with his scapel and a full-on war broke out.

This ' war ' was only broken by Sally and Smile Dog screaming and barking simultaneously and throwing themselves into the arms of the stranger standing by the doorway, or in Smile dog's case, continuously licking the stranger. 

"Miss me?"

The stranger smiled, revealing rows of glistening sharp teeth.

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