Chapter 20

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Previously on the last chapter:

"The second condition, " Zalgo drawled, looking back at you with a smug expression. "You, my daughter, will be our champion."

I gave a loud gasp. Even Slender looked surprise, as though he wasn't expecting Zalgo to say that.

"But...but My lord, I....I.." you could not finish your sentence. Though right now you were on Zalgo's side, and the pastas were technically enemies, they are still your friends.

"What say you daughter? You were the one that suggested a deal. Are you going to back out now?" Zalgo mocked, know he had you backed into a corner.

"No my lord. I was the one who suggested that deal and I will stick to it," you replied confidently. Although you were already freaking out in your head.

"Then-" Slender was cut off by two very angry Jack's who apparently haven't yet resolve their fight.

"I'll go!" Said L.J. stepping forward.

"No me!" E.J said, pushing L.J away.

"Neither of you will go! Our representative is Toby!" A very angry Slender shouted.

Both Jacks still continued arguing loudly with each other.

In the end, D.L  had to knock them out with the hilt of his sword before there was peace again.

"Well then, let's proceed to the coliseum shall we?" Zalgo asked before leading the way.

Slender offered his arm to you. You tentatively took it and together, both of you lead the creepypastas after Zalgo.

'Hello child. I see your still in good health.'  Slender's voice entered your head. You nodded slightly, not wanting to draw attention to the both of you.

You heard the voices of the other pastas behind you, some wishing Toby luck, others congratulating him.

"Please Slender, I don't want to do this. I don't want to kill any of you." You pleaded him in a moment of desperation. It's true though, you really did not want to kill any if your friends.

'Friends huh?' You heard Slender's silent chuckles in your head.

'Yeah. Never thought I'll say this but yes, you guys are my friends.' You thought back to all the fun times you had made in Slender's mansion, overcome with a sense of nostalgia.

'If that is what you want child, then perhaps I can help you.' Slender mused.

You looked up at him with hope shining in your eyes.

'While I cannot change the rule of the battle, when you are battling Toby...'

Don't kill me! I promise the next chapter would be the fighting scene. And thank you all so much for the 1k read. It's really not a lot compared to the other authors but I'm really really thankful.

Next update: Wednesday

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