Chapter 7

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Just then, a knock sounded on your door. Your barely audible reply was brokened by a loud robotic screech.

You shot up into a sitting position with a start. That was the fastest you'd ever gone from semi-horizontal to vertical in your life. Two seconds, to be exact.

You started shivering violently, heart jumping to your mouth.

Standing up, you tentatively inched your way towards the door, silently cursing it for not having a peephole to look through.

Mentally preparing yourself, you cracked the door open a few centimetres and looked out seeing...

Ben and Sonic exe, gaffawing loudly at you.

Your huge sense of relief was quickly followed by chagrin and you jumped out of your room, hitting those two on the head, slapping and punching at them all the while shrieking insults.

"(Y/n)! Stop, darn it. What's wrong with you? " Ben shouted after he had managed to escape from my flurry of beatings.

"That's right. You don't want them to hear you, do you?" Sonic exe added, wiggling his eyebrows at you, a smirk tugging at his mouth.

You glared at him, mentally killing them both countless times in your head, all of them slow and painful.

Still glaring at them, you felt a slight breeze at your back and a pair of cold arms wrapping around you.

You froze up and in an instant, becoming a statue, a perfect marble carving.

You could see your surroundings starting to blur, before dark clouds enveloped both you and your kidnapper.

Howevet, just as suddenly as it had came, the dark clouds disappeared and you realise that you are in the living room.

Frantic with fear, and very much surprised at you sudden teleportation, your harried mind jumbled up all thoughts of remaining sane.

Though you recognised your surroundings, you still freaked out and started shrieking bloody murder. Unlike chapter 4, you didn't manage to remain calm.

You felt tentacles wrap around your waist, an anchor to sanity (ironically). At the same time, a calming voice rang through your head, consoling you.

Eventually, you calmed down and your thoughts righted themselves again.

Glancing around, you saw concern and worried expressions on everyone's faces.

Giving them all a little smile and a quick nod, you showed them that you were feeling fine now.

"Better now lassie?" a voice asked, coming from near your ear. To be honest, it sounded more like a growl, but let's not stress the minor details.

You turned around, an answer dancing on the tip of your tongue.

But, seeing only rows after rows of sharp, canine teeth, you could feel the fear coming back.

Your breath started coming out in quick, uneven gasp and terror became a thick, suffocating band wrapping itself around your ribcage, making it hard to breath.

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