Chapter 21

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I'm terrible at writing battle/fighting scenes since it is something that I'd never done before. Still, I hope it is worth the very long wait.

The word count is over a thousand.

Oh, and if gore and blood is not really your thing, I suggest you skip to the last two paragraphs although you would be missing the action.

Lastly, please inform me if I've made any mistakes and I'm sorry if the story don't make sense. Heheheh....


Everyone had taken their seats and you could hear the cheering from where you were standing.

The gate moved up and taking in a deep breath, you stepped out into the battlefield. On the other side, you saw Toby doing the same.

Deciding to make the first move, you got into a fighting stance. Seeing you, Toby also did that, only he brought his hatchets out instead.

'Crud. I forgot Toby uses hatchets to kill!' You gulped, eyeing the bloodstained blade.

Said blade suddenly started moving forward at a fast pace and you realised that the match had started while you were lost in thoughts.

Just as the hatchet was about to go swinging down on your head, you ducked to your right. The creepypastas all sigh in disappointment.

"Give us a good show daughter. Don't fail me now!" You heard Zalgo laughingly call out from his seat in the coliseum.

Glancing to where he and Slender was sitting, you gave a smile and nodded slightly at Slender.

You still remembered what he had said while you guys were on the way to the coliseum.

'While I cannot change the rule of the battle, when you are battling Toby,' he was saying, ' as long as you give me his corpse before rigor mortis sets in, he can still be saved. '

Taking comfort in the fact that you will not be killing any of your friends in this battle, you turned back to Toby.

Igniting your bloodthirsty nature, you changed your form. Using your knowledge on mythical creatures, you changed into a lamia.

A lamia is silent, sensative to sound and can strike fast. This would be perfect. The only downside is that you would have a very long body, hence, a bigger and easier target.

Anyway, back to the battle.

Toby ran forward again. Raising his hatchet high, he aimed for your long tail.

Of course, before he could even hit you, you used your tail to slap him across the face. Then, you giggled.

Hmm...perhaps you were a little too crazy and eager to inflict violence on someone else.

Well, taking into account the fact of you being stuck in this dark place and having to train for at least a few hours per day, it is a perfectly normal reaction. Probably.

Unfortunately for Toby, you're the type that cannot stop laughing once you've started.

Poor Toby has to keep on dodging your tail as you thrash about, laughing uncontrollably.

"Get on with it already!" Someone from the crowd shouted.

"Yes daughter, get on with the fight!" Zalgo echoed.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!..." The crowd of creepypastas cheered.

Slapping a hand over your mouth to stifle your laughter, you slithered over to Toby and bared your fangs.

You aimed for his neck, venom gathering at the tip. Too bad Toby actually managed to evade your attack at the last minute and in one swift moment, threw his hatchet harchet you.

The hatchet flew true and buried itself into your shoulder.

You screamed in pain, laughter all but forgotten, and ripped out the hatchet. Red haze clouded your vision and you gave in to your anger.

The both of you glanced warily at each other, circling. While Toby has experience on his side, you had raw power and speed.

Hissing, you darted towards him, this time conscious of his last hatchet. Managing to bite onto his arm, you shook him in the air and flung him away to where the crowds were sitting.

Not wasting a beat, you transformed into a harpy and flew straight to him.

Using your talons, you grasped him by the neck and slammed his head against the pale stone wall. Over and over again you did it and blood started spurting out, staining the wall a bright red.

You then let go of him. He fell down to the floor in a heap, limp and lifeless. He was still holding onto the weapon.

You knelt down and checked his neck for his pulse. It was still there, but faint.

Knowing that Zalgo would never let you off the hook should he find out that Toby was alive, you grasped onto his shirt and started pulling him.

Once arriving into the center of the battlefield, you held up his bloodied body for all to see. Miraculously, he still managed to hold onto his weapon.

You then gently placed his body onto the floor. Looking up, you made sure to catch the eyes of every creepypastas before a slow, bloodthirsty grin spread across your face.

Holding Toby's head down with one leg, you grabbed hold of the back of his head with your hands. You pulled back your arm.

Slowly, slowly you did that, hearing and feeling the cracking of the bone beneath the skin.

Somewhere in the middle, you got lost in the wonderful sensation.

Toby somehow regained consciousness and gave a blood-curdling scream. He struggled and tried have at your leg but you stomped onto his arm, also breaking the bone there and creating bloody gashes.

You were still in your harpy form you see.

Finally, Toby's head disconnected with his backbone with a sickening snap. You smiled in victory.

You were finally jerked back to reality by noticing how quiet the coliseum is. Toby's body lay broken on the floor, bleeding from the gashes on the head and arm. His head twisted in a wrong angle.

Everything you had done rushed back to you and you quickly changed back to your original form. The smile gradually disapperead from your face.

Looking at your trembling hands, the weight of what you had done landed heavily on your shoulders.

'I had just killed a person. A boy of my age. My friend...." you thought, sinking into a daze.

You felt something wet trickle down your cheeks. Numbly, you brushed it off with a finger.

Lifting your finger to your mouth, you sucked. You tasted metal and a  strange salty taste. 'I'm crying.' you wondered in awe.

Just then, a face appeared. It was a handsome face, but somehow cold and inhuman. That face smiled coldly with a tinge of pride and reached a hand out towards you.

You looked down and registered a crowd of people rushing to a body lying on the floor. You had a feeling that it was very important to you but could not seem to remember what it was.

The last thing you saw before the hand covered your sight was a faceless person staring right at you, before falling into blessed unconsciousness.

Next update: Saturday - Sunday

Your author,
Faye ~

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