Chapter 15

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"That's all you've got? Pathetic! And to think I expected more from you, my daughter. " Zalgo spat, glaring at you lying bloodied on the floor.

You were suppose to convince, control, if you will, Zalgo such that he would not be able to move a single step. Unfortunately, you have not been successful so far.

You two had already been training for at least four hours straight. During that time, you found out that while Zalgo is a very good fighter, he is not so nuturing a father.

"Please my lord, can we continue our training tomorrow? I have only just started using my powers and am now rather weary." You pleaded with him.

Though he has acknowledged that you were his daughter and addressed you as such, you were not allowed to call him "father". He has deemed it as something too human and

Zalgo studied you closely. In the end, he sighed and nodded. "Very well, you may go and freshen up. But, I expect you to be back here in one hour for dinner."

You startled. After being in this place for quite a while, you had begun to lose track of time.

Sensing that Zalgo was still waiting for your answer, you nodded your head. You had already learnt the hard way that calling him father whether mentally or not was unacceptable.

"Sure, it is fine to call me that before I have told you my rules, but I expect you to remember my words and stick to it after I have told you," you recalled Zalgo saying.

He had just given you a tight slap across the face for calling him "father" accidentally.

You were jolted out of you thoughts when you felt cold fingers on your cheek.

Zalgo was softly caressing your cheek in what was suppose to be a loving manner and whispering how much he loved you. You smiled at him, before leaving the room.

Only after making sure that he was out if earshot did you allow you allow yourself to think.

"I want to go back to Slender's mansion..."
Back at the scarynoodles mansion~

After explaining the battle plan to the creepypastas for the ninth time, Slender finally gave up.

The mansion was like a wet market as the pastas were busy doing their own stuff.

"What makes you think she wants to come back anyway? I mean, she hasn't contacted you for so long...?" Hatter suddenly questioned, letting the question hang in the air.

"Of course she'll come back!" Masky answered, " this is her only home."

"N-not o-on-ly. S-she still h-has h-has her ad-adopte-d f-famil-ly," Toby twitched.

The creepypastas stared at each other in sombre silence after that conversation, the words still hanging heavily in the air.

So, you've begun training and the other pastas are having doubts. What's gonna happen~ hehehe

Next update: chapter 16
Probably out by this Saturday

Your author,

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