Chapter 4

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You were awoken by a loud crash and a shout of, " Give that back, you a**h***!"

You groaned and cracked opened your eyes before sitting up on bed, still half asleep and more than a little disorientated.

You looked around the room, yawning and rubbing sleep from bleary eyes... You froze up.

Alarm bells rang and shimmered in your head, jolting you from your dream-like state.

What is this? Where am I? Who am I?

Your mind screamed. The fact that you asked yourself the last question goes to show how freaked out you were.

You were out of bed in an instant and more than ready to start running around like a headless chicken.

Just when you were about to add screaming to you list of: 'things to do while freaking out', yesterday's event hit you hard on the head.

It left a trail of uncomfortable wetness as it went sliding down your face.

Wait! Since when did memories feel wet? And smell like rotting meat left in the sun?

You looked down at you feet. There was a blob of maroon lying there. It vaguely resembled like a bean.

If beans were about the size of a fist and wet with blood.

Your brain took a moment to process this. Picture a large maroon-coloured bean shaped lump just chilling by your feet. Got it?

Great! Moving on.

You heard shouted insults coming from your doorway. There were the silhouette of two people fighting.

One of them was most definitely E.J. Because as far as the author is concerned, kidneys always equal E.I.

The second person is unfamiliar to you though.

He was wearing a mask. It was half white and half black, and featured only half a frowning face.

A monochrome scarf wrapped snugly around his neck, the ends hanging out of his hoodie.

And like most other creepypastas, his dress colour code were in the darker and of the spectrum.

Namely: a black shirt and black suede pants.

All of a sudden, Masky popped up behind them. This time, his mask was covering his face.

You came to the conclusion that the only time he ever let his mask down was to eat.

Masky lifted gloved hands and took a firm grip of both idiots head.

He hit their heads together loud enough that a Bang! echoed down the hallway.

You winced as the two killers butt planted onto the floor, little birdies chirping their way around their head.

Masky proceeded to walk up to you. You shrank back, afraid of what he might do.

He stopped a distance away. "Slender request your presence now."

He spoke in a monotonously, although you could hear a little bit of satisfaction mixed into his tone.

Who knew Masky enjoys hitting people head together?

You nodded in response and he spun on his heels, dragging the two other boys behind him.

Who knew Masky was that strong too?

This left you time to wash up.

Then there was still the problem of a human organ lying on your floor...

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