Chapter 5

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You felt your lips stretch into a smile against his and with one hand, slowly raised the knife.

Just when the weapon was a few inches from drawing blood, you broke the kiss and pulled back.

Making sure to look into his eye, you flashed him a savage grin.

His eyes widened as you made good on your promise to him from chapter one.

In other words, you stabbed him.

A split moment later, you felt his skin break under the sharp tip of the knife.

It dug deeper and deeper, cutting through flesh and muscle as easily as butter.

After twisting the knife a few times, you finally pulled it out, allowing a fine spray of red mist to erupt from Jeff's back.

It showered down on both you and your surrounding, a morbid imitation of the sudden rain falling outside.

You closed your eyes for a moment, reveling in the bloodlust that consumed you and the feel of the wet, warm blood as it rained down onto you.

Slowly opening your eyes, you saw everyone staring at you with mixed emotions.

But the most prominent one of all was surprise. Surprised at you or at the sudden crack of lightning, you couldn't tell.

You'd already come back to your senses.

The knife suddenly felt heavy in your hand and you dropped it, as though it has burned you.

Guilt and digust at what you had done quickly overwhelmed you and you sought to flip Jeff over on his back, preparing to apply pressure to his wound.

You winced when you saw the growing splotch blood staining his white hoodie.

Ben casually trotted to you and reached out a hand.


You didn't get to finish because right at that moment, Jeff's hoodie went flying into the air and landed in a crumpled heap next to Slender.


Ben had oh! so generously taken off Jeff's hoodie. This gave you and the author quite a view of Jeff's back.

Topless Jeff... The author had neatly fainted due to a nosebleed. But she had to continue the story, so she left her magic pen writing on her notebook.

What made you exclaim was not barebacked Jeff.

It was the stab wound. It was gone!

In its place stood a thin scar line, barely visible against the pale white of his skin.

And even that was fading into nothingness, the raised skin smoothening.

Jeff pushed himself up and your head collided. Flailing your hands around in shock, you accidentally punched him in the face.

"Oww! Oww! Oww!" Jeff screamed. "You kissed me, stabbed me and punched me. What is wrong with you?"

His words ignited a flame of fury and you abandoned nursing your head for shouting back at him.

"It's not my fault now is it, you idiot! I was just doing my dare. If you want someone to blame, how about you blame Ben. He was the one that dared me in the first place!"

"Jeff! (Y/n)! Will the both of you shut up? It's just a game. Jeff, you didn't die, so stop complaining. Now apologise to each other and let the game continue." Slender burst out.

Your glared at Slender and did a double take, anger dissipating in an instant.

A dark cloud had mysteriously appeared over his head, casting it in shadows. A bolt of lightning cracked.

His tendrils suddenly looked very sharp, waving behind his back erratically.

With all the special effects, he'd managed to look downright murderous.

You meekly went forward with your head bowed and shook Jeff's hand, muttering apologies.

He gripped your hand with enough strength to crush your bones and his dark eyes drilled holes into your head.

You winced and deemed that revenge was in order. Since Slender was still staring daggers at the both of you, you decided not to do anything graphic.

You looked up at Jeff and gave him a smile.

"My sincerest apology, Jeff." And went back to sit down at your spot. Not before telling him to shove something up his-


You could literally hear Jeff grinding his teeth. You randomly wondered if there were any sparks flying out; you could light a match and set him on fire.

Stifling a laugh, you turned to the next player.

"Okay E.J, truth or dare?"

"Truth," he replied.

"Then... Have you stolen any of the creepypastas' kidney?" You asked sweetly, giving him a devious smile.

Everyone looked at him, gauging his reaction. Black fluid flowed down his eyeholes at a faster rate.

A shallow pool of sticky icky fluid had formed around him, before--

"Oh my Zalgo! So you did steal someone's kidney. Who? Say it before I throttle you to death!" Puppeteer exclaimed, glaring at E.J.

"Well..." E.J rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I might have tried to steal Ben's, Liu's and Jason's, but I didn't manage to steal it. I swear!" he finished frantically, feeling panicked by all the murderous glares being shot his way.

Unfortunately, his little finishing speech did not work, because everyone started crowding around him, brandishing their weapons.

E.J paled. He swiftly turned and hightailed out of the room, with a mob chasing after him.

An angry, murderous one. Did I mention they were also skilled in all kind of murder and torture techniques?

In the end, you were left alone in the room with Slender, doubled over and laughing away, tears streaming down your face.

Slender, on the other hand, was holding his head and sighing.

After a while, Slender came over to you. "I'm sorry that the game ended so suddenly. Hopefully, you still familiarised with everyone right? Even though the game didn't go as planned?"

You nodded in answer, and went to the sofa. In the other room, you could still hear the other creepypastas cursing and yelling at E.J.

You giggled again. After a moment, Slender reluctantly joined you, chuckling silently under his breath.


Hello, hello! This is your new and improved author speaking. Just to inform all you wonderful readers, your author here has spent time curled up into a ball in order to edit this story.

I've been cringing and hiding under the blanket and digging a hole in the ground. But! I've finally edited until this chapter!!

Aren't you all proud of you dear author here?

Now then, let's move on to the next chapter then, shall we?

What are you still doing here? Go on! A world of madness and mayhem awaits you in fully edited chapter!!

Wishing you all a wonderful day/night!

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